So glad you are enjoying your steamer...was kind of nervous to suggest it to others for wnemaking....
Being new to winemaking and only have used juices from the steamer in our wines, I had nothing to compare it to...so you are 'The Man' with the experience of using both.
I will be most interested to see the outcome of your wines....
Also will be interesting to see if you get gas in your wines...I see everyone but me mixing and stirring to de-gas their wines....Maybe I am very dense, but I have not seen any gas in wines except for one batch....
Tropical Medley [banana/apple/pineapple]....It was the only wine I ever made with pulp in the straining bags...I found that messy and in that batch I did see bubbles on the side of the carboy.
I read my wine books [maybe too many of them] and see mentioned not to let air get into your wines...no splashing while racking, etc....I find this very confusing to see everyone whirling their wines with electric drills...? Does that come with having pulp in the must????
Will also be intested to see if your wines clear faster....? How are they coming???I find my wines are clear and stable in a month, so have been very satified about that....but like I said...I don't have much experience with other methods....
I would like to break down and try a kit....those seem to be ready quickly and most people love them....on my wish list is a wine kit.....but then I look in my spare bedroom and see all those jars of extracted juices and know I better get busy...Also nearing time I can kick up my heels and drink some of it... :>