The Life and Times of Waldo's Steamer/Juicer

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Waldo1 was on some sort of car. That's the best I can tell you. I'm more about the details than the big stuff.
And guys, I'm sure you'd have loads of fun at Winestock! I sure did!
Waldo, Hows the wine coming with the steamed juices? Is there a difference in fermentration?, Taste?, Pectic haze? etc.......

Really thinking of getting one since I still have in the freezer:

30Pounds Peaches
75 pounds Blackberries
20 pounds Blueberries
8 pounds Figs
27 pounds pie pumkin
45 pounds (more) scuppernong
55 pounds Muscadines

But I don't want to chance steaming all that if the finsih product isn't as good as sqeezing the juice out.

Edit: By the way, I started a 5 gallon batch of scupernong last night using one of Hippies old recipes, the smell and taste is incredible. I also started a gallon batch last weekend that I plan on using for topping this batch up with. Along with the muscadine, I hope it doesn't take a year to age before it is drinkable. I still have 1 bottle of muscadine left from last year (somehow I was able to hide it and not drink it), that I plan on openening and drinking when I make this years batch.Edited by: jobe05
jobe, could not tell any difference in fermentation on the gallon test batch of muscadine and the gallon of apple/rasberry but they have retained more of the color and a lot more of the flavor that I am accustomed to seeing/tasting using conventoinal procedures. Also, there is a whole lot less sediment. I am loving mine.

Edited by: Waldo
Waldo, when you steamed the muscadine, did you still put what was remaining of the skins in the fermenting bucket? It looked like steaming them took about all they had to give, wondering what it would do to the tannins that you would normally get from the skins. I guess if are getting more flavor, steaming may have done all that already. Might have to get a little more serious about this........
I did not use the skins jobe. I used only the concentrated juice. I did however steam the skins twice but did not get that much more from them on the 2nd steaming. One key is to take the first quart or so of juice and pour it back through. This helps in breaking down the fruit, hence extracting more juice. That is covered in the manual.
So glad you are enjoying your steamer...was kind of nervous to suggest it to others for wnemaking....

Being new to winemaking and only have used juices from the steamer in our wines, I had nothing to compare it you are 'The Man' with the experience of using both.

I will be most interested to see the outcome of your wines....

Also will be interesting to see if you get gas in your wines...I see everyone but me mixing and stirring to de-gas their wines....Maybe I am very dense, but I have not seen any gas in wines except for one batch....
Tropical Medley [banana/apple/pineapple]....It was the only wine I ever made with pulp in the straining bags...I found that messy and in that batch I did see bubbles on the side of the carboy.

I read my wine books [maybe too many of them] and see mentioned not to let air get into your splashing while racking, etc....I find this very confusing to see everyone whirling their wines with electric drills...? Does that come with having pulp in the must????

Will also be intested to see if your wines clear faster....? How are they coming???I find my wines are clear and stable in a month, so have been very satified about that....but like I said...I don't have much experience with other methods....

I would like to break down and try a kit....those seem to be ready quickly and most people love them....on my wish list is a wine kit.....but then I look in my spare bedroom and see all those jars of extracted juices and know I better get busy...Also nearing time I can kick up my heels and drink some of it... :>)
Maybe I'm over concerned about having a little gas in my wine. I know
if I put it in a small container and shake it I get some pressure back.
Maybe I should just leave it alone ha.
Northern Winos said:
So glad you are enjoying your steamer...was kind of nervous to suggest it to others for wnemaking....

Being new to winemaking and only have used juices from the steamer in our wines, I had nothing to compare it you are 'The Man' with the experience of using both.

I will be most interested to see the outcome of your wines....

Also will be interesting to see if you get gas in your wines...I see everyone but me mixing and stirring to de-gas their wines....Maybe I am very dense, but I have not seen any gas in wines except for one batch....
Tropical Medley [banana/apple/pineapple]....It was the only wine I ever made with pulp in the straining bags...I found that messy and in that batch I did see bubbles on the side of the carboy.

I read my wine books [maybe too many of them] and see mentioned not to let air get into your splashing while racking, etc....I find this very confusing to see everyone whirling their wines with electric drills...? Does that come with having pulp in the must????

Will also be intested to see if your wines clear faster....? How are they coming???I find my wines are clear and stable in a month, so have been very satified about that....but like I said...I don't have much experience with other methods....

I would like to break down and try a kit....those seem to be ready quickly and most people love them....on my wish list is a wine kit.....but then I look in my spare bedroom and see all those jars of extracted juices and know I better get busy...Also nearing time I can kick up my heels and drink some of it... :>)

All of the kits I have tried NW have been really good but I have developed an affinity to my country wines. People just seem to really enjoy them and I get a lot of positive feedback in the form of "CanI have More"

My Apple Rasberry is doing nicely and is had very little sediment in the Carboy at first racking, which as Sunday evening and began clearing almost immediately. I am definately hooke on my steamer
OK...My first non juice steaming experience was some venison I steamed Saturday morning to serve to a group of friends coming over to watch the Razorbacks whup up on Auburn

I put a rub on it, threw it in the steamer and as an afterthought and a test, I put liquid smoke in my waterpan to see if it would give it that smoked flavor....It did !!
The final results were:

Very moist and tender venison.......Everyone said it was great and I had to agree. I damn near broke my arm trying to pat myself on the back

It was served with a Blackberry wine which paired rather well. I think the Muscadine may have been better but I have only 3 bottles left until next bottling I am hoarding those.
I would never have thought of steaming a meat like that but I'll take your word for it, it lloks good Waldo!
Waldo I can't believe you needed to break your arm on that venison. There should have been a large cheerleading section there slapping you on your back for that one! That's VERY GOOD looking stuff!
Thanks Appleman....I was very good. I steamed it for close to two hours and it just got so moist and tender. The liquid smoke in the water pan did a great job too of giving it a smoked flavor.
I had to read the last 2 pages to find out if you had truly broken your arm Waldo. LOL LOL on me.

Meat looks delicious.
Thanks Scotty.....It was almost as good as the ballgame against Auburn
I can not relate to the joy of watching a favorite team mash another team.
If you never met a non sports fan, I'm it. I dont even watch motorcycle racing. No nascar, football, baseball, basketball, wrestlingor whatever.

I guess i'm not a good person to talk with.
BTW I don't care for pets either

Maybe i need a shrink
Edited by: scotty
Scotty, your not alone....... Nota huge sports fan, not a big TV watcher, so I couldn't imagine sitting in fron of the TV for hours doing nothing. My wife will rent movies for us to watch and I generally make it about 15 to 30 minutes, then I have to go do something, Sometimes with my pets........ Golden retreiver who loves tennis balls, walks and car rides. Edited by: jobe05
I do not appreciate much sports myself except motocross as I used to
race dirtbikes, other than that I dont mind playing some but no
I dont have tv cable or an antenna. I do however have a cable modem for the computer. I have 2 computers and one has dual monitors for trying to keep up with stinky and waldos projects.
I download space tv series and use the vcr ordvd payer to entertain myself. The computer keeps me current on news and then some.
This wine thing is the newest of my hobbies. I like it because one must learn and learn.
Great to have met such a nice bunch of folks here also

Even if some of them talk about snow and cold

Edited by: scotty
In Arkansas you have no choice. You're either a Hog fan or you're an enemy of the State. I moved here about seven years ago and when my neighbors found out I was from another state they chipped in and bought me tickets to a game and taught me to call the Hogs. Wooo Pig Suey Razorbacks!
No No sang....That is :


Edited by: Waldo