The Life and Times of Waldo's Steamer/Juicer

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I think most folks around here are just too busy to worry toooo much about sports. It's fun to watch once in a while but everyone's so busy with all their crafts that there's no time to do nothing but watch a game. We sometimes watch sports while bottling or prepping fruits for wines. I was watching Olympic skating (racing) last winter while filling bottles and got so into it I forgot to watch the bottle and overflowed 2 of them!
Made the table cloth smell good though!
What kind of a group have i gotten mixed up with?????

HMMM I forgot about Olympic Speed Skating. I like that one too
Edited by: scotty
I have no affinity for any other sport except the Razorbacks football....Well, lets see now...I did Run....Once........But the liquor store was still closed whenI got there
Waldo said:
I have no affinity for any other sport except the Razorbacks football....Well, lets see now...I did Run....Once........But the liquor store was still closed whenI got there

Yes I've teamed up with a bunch of WACKO'S
scotty said:
I dont have tv cable or an antenna. I do however have a cable modem for the computer. I have 2 computers and one has dual monitors for trying to keep up with stinky and waldos projects.
I download space tv series and use the vcr ordvd payer to entertain myself. The computer keeps me current on news and then some.
This wine thing is the newest of my hobbies. I like it because one must learn and learn.
Great to have met such a nice bunch of folks here also

Even if some of them talk about snow and cold
I will go off topic here a little- So Scotty, you find you can keep up with Waldo and Stinkie with only two monitors? You like to be a bit of a rebel- so do I. Dell said I couldn't use four monitors on one computer - so I did!
These four monitors go up to the 24" one.


Oh, by the way, see where the phone is? That was the phone that was there earlier this summer when the lightning hit a few feet away from me and blew up the phone and burned a small hole in my desk. That was the third strike in 2 years. Add me to your list of strange people. I'm a contender for the 2008 Olympic event of lightning dodging. You don't want to lose that event!
Edited by: appleman
Florida and lightning are brothers. My son tried to talk me into a card for 4 monitors but i said no.
Now ill have to find some photos of my motorcycles. I wont try to matchany of the folks on this website in ANY area. I just like hobbies and find those folks that do to be extremely interesting as well as fun to know
I have been in awe of the photos of homes, vineyards and equipment.
cool bikes! I'm a bike nut! I have 6 in my stable so far, and more just keep coming in! I think they multiply at night! at least that is what I keep telling the wife
Dean said:
cool bikes! I'm a bike nut! I have 6 in my stable so far, and more just keep coming in! I think they multiply at night! at least that is what I keep telling the wife

As long as she agrees

I had six but gave 2 away a couple of months ago.
I had the door on my screen room changed to a double door so i could ride the bikes right in.
Its just another sickness

another laugh is that my folding bike trailer wouldnt roll into the screen room unless i layed it down so i had a tradesman install what looks like a pet entrance but above the doors so the trailer hutch end could pass through.

Edited by: scotty
Great pics Scotty. I like the waffle shot!

I had two bikes, an 86 sporty and an 89 FXRS, but sold them both before moving south. I miss riding, I can't tell you how much.
sangwitch said:
Great pics Scotty. I like the waffle shot!

I had two bikes, an 86 sporty and an 89 FXRS, but sold them both before moving south. I miss riding, I can't tell you how much.

Ill bet that most of this wino bunch enjoy cooking as much as I do and even more.
Im reading books on Beer and at this point i'm collecting ingredients for cheese making.

I just found out that george stocks mother of vinegar and will order some on my next purchase.

Get back with the bikes please. I rode a stroked sporty in the 60s. 10.5 in the 1/4

Edited by: scotty
Scotty: I too am trying my luck with cheese making. I have a farm house cheddar waxed and in the wine fridge to age a couple more months. It's been in there for about 2 months now, so maybe this weekend I'll get it out and try some. I just wanted to start with one batch of one type to see if it was worth it or not. Otherwise I'll just go to the store and buy a $3 brick of whatever I could make..........
Please tell me about your wine fridge. What size is it and what can you fit in it as far as carboys go??
Im thinking of one for the screen room which will also double as a place to dry cheese or sausages.
I haven't seen one that fits carboys. As far as I know theyre only for
bottles, some have two zones to keep reds at one temp and whites at
another. They range from 6 bottle capacity to almost 3 hundred before
you really break into cooled wine racks which are basically enclosed
wall units that can get very pricey unless you build it yourself.
Mine is just a small 16 bottle cooler that maintains about 54 to 55 degrees. Perfect for white wines and cheese.
Jobe you been a holding out on me buddy...
Cheese huh !!! Mmmmmmmm got any pictures? Where did you get your kit? Edited by: Waldo
I thought you bought a full sized house fridge. Maybe some of them will take one 3 or 5 gallon carboy.

If not then just gallons.
Waldo: I got my cheese kit at New England Cheese making supply:

I copied AAStinkies idea for a home made cheese press which works great! The hook on the end of the top beam is so that I can hang a gallon milk jug with water for the amount of pressure I want to put on the cheese during press. The less the water, the less pressure on the cheese, the moister, softer the cheese. For more pressure, add more water, get drier cheese. I put a scale under the beam to see how much pressure I'm applying, then remove the scales and press the cheese.


Heres my first attempt at making Farm house cheddar. Before waxing it was very good, just not sharp tasting. It is suppose to age for 6 months in a wax coating. The wax job isn't pretty, but doesn't have to be, as long as it keeps the air out.


Scotty: Here's my fridge. Again, it's just a small one to keep a few bottles in. It maintains 55 degrees +- 2 degrees (based on settings), which is also perfect for aging waxed cheese. Don't know if I would store the wine and the cheese if the the cheese was unwrapped due to the mold spores used in cheese making:


Cheese making was a whole lot easier than I had expected. Getting a clean break looked like it would be near impossible, but like wine kits, just follow the directions to the "T", and you'll end up with a great product. Waldo, you should give it a try. If you have fresh goats milk avalible to you, you can make some good cheese from it. If not, store bought, whole milk worked good for me.
scotty said:
I thought you bought a full sized house fridge.
Maybe some of them will take one 3 or 5 gallon

If not then just gallons.

Scotty, most refridgerators will be too cold for storing wine.Although
I have a really old one that I got for $25 while I was waiting for
parts to come in when my new one broke down after using it to store
food I turned it all the way down and put a temp gauge in there and it
holds 58*. Most older and all newer stay alot colder than that which is
not good for wine. Guess I just got lucky!
Im a refer and ac man and could easily controll the temp of a domestic unit even if i have to rig a remote thermostat to the ac supply.
I believe however that the on board stat in any refer will allow temperatures that are well above 40.
I would like a unit large enough to do more than just one job.

Thanks for the reply.

Ps i believe some of the websites even sell the remote stats.

Ill bet George has one that is not listed in his catalog.

If not go to a commercial refrigeration and ac supply house and tell the guy what you want to do. A remote bulb unit..
