Waldo said:
jobe05 said:
I'll post some pics when I sobber up enough to see throught the veiw finder on my camera.
JOBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!! You sober yet buddy
I did.......... But then I went and did it again....... and again........ and again........
The family and I went to the mountains for a nice 4 day weekend. The intention was to watch the leaves change, do a little fishing and have some romantic evenings in the hot tub. My wife did question why we would need 13 bottles of wine that I packed, but I just thought that I'd rather be safe than sorry. By late Saturday night, she was making store runs to buy more wine.......
Funny thing was, after a couple of bottles, I was amazed how really good my wines tasted, and how horrible the store stuff was!
So for now........ I'm nursing a 4 day hangover. I'm sure as most of you know, wine hangovers are far worse than beer hang overs........... Why is that? It also tought me a lesson. I try to make my wines just a couple percent stronger than intended, i.e. if a wine is suppose to turn out 11%, I add some sugar to get it to 13%. Although it as no effect on the taste of the wine, you get drunk so fast that you really don't enjoy it by the time you get to the 5th, 6th and 7th bottles, not to mention that sitting in a hot tub for 6 hours isn't good for ya either, but ya know you can't get out, safely.................
So..... Maybe this weekend I can pick up where I lef off............ on the forum.......... not the drinking..........
Ya know, the funny thing is.......... I really don't drink
Hi my name is John and I have a........................... OOooops wrong forum.