So does that mean I do look like a middle aged tattooed women who parties hard Troy??? I am middle aged, I do party hard and I do have two small tattoos so maybe I am and I do!
Allie, I do still have that hid photo of us at kmart, I'll dig it out! I saw it the other day so its here somewhere!!! Cardi wearing with nice handbag, lol, now lets talk about your attire, lets see Allie likes to wear kaftans and plastic jandals and ok Im stopping there!!!!
Love the Heather Locklear compliment, thanks for that (I wish I did)!!!! That photo is the real me though and the one with black hair is especially for Troy (Right back at ya!) its from a competiton a few friends and I had online as to who could make themselves the ugliest avatar!

The other one was a fancy dress party where I went as Patsy from Ab Fab....and no I dont smoke!
So am I getting this right, I look like you imagined???? So far everyone else looks like I imagined except Wade, but thats because I saw his pic ages ago so I knew what he looked like!!!
Congrats on the weigth loss those of you who mentioned it, thats awesome!
Wade your kids are gorgeous...your daughter looks like my niece. My girls are 13 and 16 and i dont think they would like me to show their photos!!!::