As this is my "rookie" year here are my attempts thus far
6 gallons wild blackberry*
6 gallons blueberry*
1 gallon peach*
1 gallon blackberry melomel*
1 gallon tomato*
6 gallons Minutemaid Blueberry Pomegranate*
6 gallons Orange Blosssom Honey Mead**
12 gallons Carlos Muscadine**
1 gallon Joe's Ancient Orange**
6 gallons Cranberry***
**= in secondary
***= in primary
Wow I did more than I thought 46 gallons.
I plan to do a few more in 2009.
Strawberry, Blackberry, Blueberry, Muscadine, Elderberry, Mulberry, various meads/melomels, and I may even order a couple kits. If I can contact a local winery that has cynthiana norton I will try to do 5 or 6 gallons of that as well.