now lets talk about something ,some I can't make a basic PINO NOIR, that I have to add something to it, well that's just trash talk .MY reasoning is that I already have standard pino's (ex), I wanted to make something different and imprint my style using a base wine, being creative is what wine making should be at all times, every winery that I know of is always trying to create that perfect taste and they constantly,at every harvest try to achieve that end. what do you say![/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
I started brewing beer because I didn't want the same basic beer with a different label....Bud, Coors, Miller sell millions of bottles of beer....why would I want to make a beer like that? I simply want to make my beer, the way I want it to taste.
It's the same with wine. Yes, I am a fairly new wine maker. That is both a blessing and a curse. I am unencumbered with the knowledge of what particular types/styles should taste if I like it, it's good....that the blessing. The curse is I may not be able to do it again the same way! I have also been know to change a peach apricot Charddonay to a Moscato because it sure wasn't a Chardonnay....but it was a decent Moscato! Frankly, I suspect some wineries of doing the same thing.
It is a wine kit and any body can read and make it just like the manufacturer wants it made. But, it is my kit, my money, my time, my pleasure and I'll make it any dad gum way I please...I will make it mine. If I must have a Basic Pinot Noir, I can save a lot of time and money and just go buy a bottle.....its just another Bud, Coors, or Miller, pick a name or a label. I am not about to give up 90% of the fun in wine making to simply follow directions written on a piece of paper.
Tweaking is fun, it's creative, and it tastes good to boot! I understand if some do not want to tweak, that's fine with me. Perhaps the real question is why some disagree strenously? Play nice, this sandbox ain't that big!