Wanted to report back on one of
@joeswine recipes from this thread. It is a good early drinker.
Used WineLovers Zinfandel Blush 7% light bodied kit. Who in their right mind would buy a 7% kit you ask? Total cost with free shipping and $5 discount was $45. Added a fresh raspberry f-pac and simple syrup, and only added water to make a 5 gallon batch instead of 6 gallon which raised the potential ABV to 12.36%.
I followed the kit directions the rest of the way pretty much.
Racked 16 days later added kit stuff and degassed with drill and attachment.
Bottled on day 23 and wanted to compare dry vs back sweetened So we bottled 10 dry and 15 bottles back sweetened with simple syrup. We did some trials for this to get the sugar level to where we liked it (then backed off a little as we've read on this sight that it may taste a little fruitier/sweeter as it ages. The dry one tasted a bit harsh still so it will need more time to be good.
Here are some photos along the way:

The cheap kit.

With the raspberry f-pac floating on top.

A little blip along the way. I think I bumped this carboy a little too hard on the floor and when I added the warm liquid to a cool carboy, it must have cracked. Caught it in time, so not much loss.

Looking clear.

Final goof, I got some lees/raspberry parts sucked in and didn't notice in time. Solution? I let it settle and will filter with a coffee filter as needed when we drink it. Here's what it looked like tonight:

Thanks Joe for your advice and thanks for reading.