I just finished a cheap kit + tweaks with very good results.

It's a Fontana, Medium-Bodied (11.5% PABV) Merlot. I paid $55 with a $5 discount. For this kit I used everything they included in the kit but for the following changes:
1) Only filled with water to the 5 gallon mark instead of 6. This got the starting SG to 1.100.
2) Added 16 ounces of store-bought "fresh" blackberries in f-pac form (
@joeswine style) into primary.
3). Added 1 Cup of French Oak chips to primary.
That's all the changes. I pitched the yeast on 2-27-21, added a heat belt, racked to secondary on 3-13-21, added the kit's clearing agents on 3-13 and 3-14, and racked to another 5 gallon carboy today (4-10-21). ABV ended up at 14.4%.
My wife and I tasted it and here are our notes at the 6 week mark: "Tasted very good. Medium-full body. Still a little "kit taste", but it was pushed to the back by the other good flavors. Good mouth feel." I've been struggling with my first wine from grapes, so I needed a confidence-booster, and this has been a very good process.
We plan to bulk age this so will add K-Meta in a couple months and play it by ear for bottling.