sugar levels
I started that Fontana Premium Malbec this morning... 5 gal batch, 5 oz American oak (1/2 med, 1/2 heavy), 1 Tbsp tannin, 10 oz Zante currnant.
A few questions/comments about sugar adjustment (chaptilization)...
Most Malbecs are in the 13.5-15% range, so I thought I'd try to target 14%... That means I want a starting SG of about 1.10. If SG ends up at .994, that would be (1.100-.994)*133 = 14.1%.
Because these kits are generally "weak" you see in their instructions that with a full 6 gallon batch they're targeting 1.07-1.08 starting SG, which is about 10.7% ABV. I'm assuming they're trying to keep the wine balanced - even if it's weak.
But when I added my water to get to 5 gallons, I was at 1.102, just a smidge over my target of 1.100. Perfect, and no need to add any sugar.
One comment on the rasin/currant addition... They are going to add sugar as well - and in the case of 10 oz of zante currants they add 196 grams of sugar. Assuming this gets used up by the end of primary, in 5 gallons this would add about 0.5% abv. But when measuring initial SG, you're not going to see the impact of that sugar becuase it's still wrapped up in the little sugar bombs and hasn't had time for osmosis to pull the sugar out. So with the currants adding their sugar, I believe my ABV is probalby going to be about 14.5%
Joe - You're adding sugar to get up to 1.110 and then adding rasins/currants - assuming you take this to dry, this means you're at 15.5% + .5% from the currants - 16%!!! You've been doing this a lot longer than me... am I missing something here or do you just prefer these wines in the 15-16% range (EC-1118 can get you there). What's your thought process on this?