I'd say try a kitchen strainer. (Or cheesecloth.) This strainer is $5 at Bed Bath and Beyond:
I can afford that! Cheesecloth might work in that strainer, several layers, I'll try a big fpac then strain it and concentrate the juices and freeze it to use after the bulk of fermentation is done before I clear, I bet that would be sweet!I'd say try a kitchen strainer. (Or cheesecloth.) This strainer is $5 at Bed Bath and Beyond:
I have been making strawberry for years. Given enough time the seeds will settle.I tried a strawberry wine years ago when I made fruit wines and always had trouble with those tiny seeds and sediment, any suggestions on that, I dont have any filtering device, I think at one point I tried securing a coffee filter on the end of my siphon hose, that was fun!
Just opened up the Valroza and it has a small dry elderberry pouch. I am wondering if 1 cup currants would overpower the elderberry?Got it
Not to heavy on the currents 1 cup or so.
So i have gone thru this thread allot. I'm getting ready to start a Viognier next week ad would like a tweak or two. I noticed in the profile that allot of these wines have a tangerine flavor to them. I was thinking of boosting the flavor with some tangerine to the wine. I will make 5.25 gallons of this to start so it will fill my 5 gallo carboy. Am i on point with this?
thanks for the help