Started Diablo Rojo
Kit came with two packs oaks
* Put Oak Chips medium blend in primary (45gm)
* Plan to put Oak Chips French Heavy (45 gm ) in secondary.
SG's - at 6 gallon mark 1.086
Added 3 cups sugar and 750 ml water more (for overflow bottle to handle lees,ullage)
SG = 1.096
Add 600 gm of (used to be frozen

) Red Raspberries 1 1/2 packages - defrosted and sauteed
Packages are 400 gm each , 600 gm = 21 fl oz, 200 gm = 7 fl oz (approx)
SG = 1.092 but real SG is a guesstimate as sugar is still in raspberries
About to add 1 cup raisins in primary
French oak and remaining 200 gm raspberries slated for the secondary.
Joeswine, I saw previously you chapitalized a
Diablo Rojo a similar kit, to 1.12 SG which seems to be 17.6 ABV (to .990) or 16.3 ABV (to 1.0 SG) Did that work well?
I am thinking I can still add sugar to my primary and I can still calculate the SG by formula if the Rojo can work well with a high ABV. It might be interesting.