I do volunteer work at some wineries. Depending on what is going on it's hard work sometimes. Fun picking the winemakers brain plus it's been my in for buying local grapes.
So we have a few acres that we had horses on..kids get older, # of horses and pastures dwindle. I told my wife we need to do something with the land besides just mowing it..She vetoed cattle, sweet corn and other ideas...so my son said what about grapes & wine?...so here we are. Planted Marquette and Cayuga last year, Noiret and Chambourcin to plant this year. A brewer friend wants me to plant hops. So while I'm waiting for them to mature, I built a winemaking area and 240 bottle wine rack. Took a class and have done 4 kits so far and I just ordered some Chilean Juice.....having fun so far, we'll see how far it takes us!
Winemaking has been in my family blood for over 10 generations and seeing it carried down to the next generation would be a life goal realized.
And Kevin, you had me going with your post. I was afraid I was going to see all your vines ripped out when we visit![]()
Yup! You don't want to be doing this solo:This year I plan on planting 10 vines each of 3 hybrids, probably Marquette, Noriet, and not sure about the third. Then I'm gonna steal another member's plan and propagate the vines over the next few years. I have room in my yard for around 80 to 100 vines but I'd better 1. Get more friends who drink wine and 2. retire to take care of that many vines if i plant that many.
Yup! You don't want to be doing this solo:
Thanks for the encouragement. I did build a jig for the wine rack. It’s ready to go to make more when I need it. Next plan for the winemaking area is shelves/racking area for the carboysI see one SERIOUS problem with your plan so far. ONLY 240 bottle rack? Man that's small - I have about 90 bottles on my rack and I am really small timing it. My batches are never larger than 3 gallons. Think you need to triple that rack space.
Seriously you are off to a good start but you really do need a larger rack. AND space for storing aging wine and empty bottles - if you don't have that already. m I'll be looking forward to reports the first season your vines kick into production.![]()
I see one SERIOUS problem with your plan so far. ONLY 240 bottle rack? Man that's small - I have about 90 bottles on my rack and I am really small timing it. My batches are never larger than 3 gallons. Think you need to triple that rack space.
I built my rack to hold 320 bottles. Just over a year into it and once last spring and fall are ready to bottle I'm full. I'm not ever sure I have enough space right now for my spring carboys.
Yeah that rack for the carboys is important. If you invest in an AIO no problem but for some of us getting the carboys moved can be an issue. BUT on the scale you are looking at, a pump or AIO is your best bet. Get the rack height right for working on them.Thanks for the encouragement. I did build a jig for the wine rack. It’s ready to go to make more when I need it. Next plan for the winemaking area is shelves/racking area for the carboys
When working solo, you just needsome really cool gadgetsproper tools for the job:
Do you think the vine knows it’s not being individually cared for by a human? I do.
I'm just a few years out from retirement myself, but I'm ramping up. So far I'm into this about 2 years and 20+ batches, mostly kits, plus some fruit wines. The ticket below is what started it all for me. A 25 winery tour around Seneca Lake (Finger Lakes in NYS) that opened my eyes to the joy of wine. I've been keeping the carboys full, but I'm also allowing the wine to bulk age sufficiently (reds more so than whites). Last spring I planted an assortment of 26 vines, mostly hybrids. So my 5 year plan is to continue making kits for at least 2 more seasons and then transition to making wine from grapes. I have begun to focus primarily on the big kits and expect that I will continue them even after I have my own grapes to make the varieties that aren't accessible in my region. I fully anticipate growing my participation in this hobby until I am too old and weak to lift a full 6 gal carboy . . . . and then I'll switch to 3 gal carboys!
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How do those electric clippers work? How long does the charge last?Yup! You don't want to be doing this solo:
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