What Bottles do I use for Cabernet?

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Jan 6, 2009
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I know this must seem like a silly question, but I am looking on George's store here and there are a bunch of different (read daunting) styles of bottles.

I am making a WineExpert French Cab - ready to stabilize and thought I better order some bottles.

Which ones? Your assistance is greatly appreciated -

PS - making a Reisling tomorrow!

Brad Simmons
<table ="Catalog" id="products" width="100%" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><td ="table" width="2%" align="default"><div align="center">5230 </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">

Green Claret style bottle 750 ml, per dozen

Order #9 straight corks or #8 tapered corks to use with these bottles</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$13.99</td>
<td width="2%">
<table ="Catalog" id="products" width="100%" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><td ="table" width="2%" align="default"><div align="center">5254 </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">

Dark Olive Green Bordeaux Bottles, Semi-Punted 750 ml, per dozen

Order #9 straight corks or #8 tapered corks to use with these bottles</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$13.99</td></tr></t></table>
<table ="Catalog" id="products" width="100%" align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><t><tr><td ="table" width="2%" align="default"><div align="center">5254A </td>
<td width="5%"><div align="center">
<td width="20%">

Antique Green Bordeaux Bottles, Punted style 750 ml, per dozen

Order #9 straight corks or #8 tapered corks to use with these bottles</td>
<td width="2%"><div align="right">$13.99</td>
<td width="2%">
</td></tr></t></table>Any of these would be fine but the darker the better if there will be any natural or florescent light on your wine bottles.
Good for you! I just get mine free from recycling bins but it is a hassle cleaning all them and de labeling all them but when I figure out how much money is saved its amazing.
What bottles you use doesn't matter. Some will stay full of wine for a few days and some will stay full for years. You needto keep asupply on hand.

All my bottles came through the recycle process. I've begged friends for bottles. I made friends with a little Italian restraurant to get all their bottles. I walk on recycling day and pick bottles out of other's recycling bins. I've gone to the local recycling company and fished through hundreds of bottles to find a few wine bottles. It's an on-going game as you give bottles away and get new ones to use.

So none of my bottles match each other. It's amazing how many different styles of bottles there are. We have blue bottles, clear bottles, green bottles, 375 ml green bottles, and several antique, ornamental bottles.

We're making our 160th kit now. I wonder how many times some of the bottles have been reused.

wctisue said:
We're making our 160th kit now.

160?? Wow.

You know if you average it out to $50 a kit that's like 8 grand! I've only been doing the winemaking thing for about 6 years and I'm on my 9th kit with the 10th having just arrived. At this rate I'll catch up to you when I'm 123 years old (150 more kits, 10 every 6 years- 15 x 6 = 90 and I'm 33 so 90 + 33 = 123)
Whino, you are way behind and slacking off, I command you to ferment much more!
Yeah 160 kits. Wife and I guzzle a couple glasses every night for medicinal purposes. Christmas gifts, presents, parties, friends all take many bottles -- we like to be generous with something we made at home. We have about 175 bottles in the rack for drinking and aging. It all adds up.

I agree with Wade -- start catching up!

If you count thewines I'vemade from "scratch" I'm actually not doing that bad. I just don't do many of the kits, maybe one or two a year.

I've got 5 racks in my cellar that each hold 42 bottles. As I write this I only have room for another 22 bottles so I've actually got 188 bottles on the racks, not counting the 5 cases or so I've got "stored" at my Dad's place.

I'm doing my best to keep pace with the rest of you