What is this Florida bird?

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Dec 9, 2009
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Western New York
We just enjoyed a 4 day weekend in Orlando and there were a lot of these birds at the pool. What kind of bird is it? They are about the size of a robin but are brown/black.


Florida bird.jpg
I emailed this over to a friend of mine who lives in Jacksonville and this is his reply.

"No idea Rick, looks like a wood thrush or maybe a chat".

So no firm answer yet but it might be a lead for you.
We just enjoyed a 4 day weekend in Orlando and there were a lot of these birds at the pool. What kind of bird is it? They are about the size of a robin but are brown/black.


It is a common female grackle. Nuisance bird. Extremely common in the south from Texas to Florida. The males are jet black. Females are this dirty brown color with a black eye.
They were in bunches. The brown ones were in groups and the black grackles were in groups. It sounded like a jungle. The brown birds were not very afraid of humans. I've seen many black grackles in our area up here in the north but have never seen the brown bird before.

I aagree with Grampa, difinitly a female grackle. they are all over the place here. Loren