What is your favorite kit?

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I don't recall seeing any mention of Zinfandel kits from anyone. Has anyone tried the Mosti Mondiale Meglioli old vine Zin kit, or any other high end zin kits, and had good results?
RJS Italian Zin was decent when we bottled it a couple months back. Our MM Sicilian Primativo is really starting to shine at just over two years. We have an MM OVZ waiting for the fermenter.
I've done the Cellar Craft Showcase Lodi Old Vine Zin (phew, thatsalotta capitals!) However, it was one of my very first kits, and I kinda boofed it a bit. (I added too much water due to a confusion about the size of my bucket.) Nonetheless, it turned out reasonably well. I should really do that one again!

I've also done the WE Eclipse Lodi Old Vines Zinfandel (damn caps again!). It seems quite nice so far, but I've only had a couple of bottles yet.
EM and aging at least 1.5 to 2 years. This kit is one of, if not WE's best.
Great. I’ve been EM all my reds lately. I’ll be ordering this kit next week and starting once it arrives. I have the Forza I have to transfer out of EM first. I’ve heard nothing but good things about this kit as well.
I've also done the WE Eclipse Lodi Old Vines Zinfandel (damn caps again!). It seems quite nice so far, but I've only had a couple of bottles yet.

Okay, I just opened one of these. Let's review it in real time.

Nose: fine for a kit
Color: garnet
Bright, lush, smooth. Not jammy, but rather raspberries/cherries, and a little tart. Decent body (I'd say "medium-bodied"). Pleasant, lingering aftertaste.

Not my best kit, but enjoyable. (Not all are!)
Thanks for that feedback sour_grapes. That is one that I have been considering getting. Would you recommend it, or should I look at other Zin kits?
I’ve seen “my favorite kit” responses scattered around, but thought I would take a shot at consolidating them in one thread for people looking for ideas of “what should I do next”. I’m thinking about the definition of “Best” has many possible flavors so how about-

The best kit I’ve ever made -


The kit I would make over and over -


<make up your own definition> -

I also think it’s fair to allow kit tweaking as long as you let us know how you tweaked the kit ex: added x amount of oak / tannin in bulk, or added x amount of raisins / fresh fruit in primary etc.

Also please include as much as you want on why it’s your favorite!

For me:

The one I would make over and over - WE Eclipse NZ Sav Blanc - while I’m generally a red wine drinker, I really enjoy a good Sav and NZ is my preferred region. Frankly think kit makes as good as I can buy for about 20 bucks a bottle at my local retailer. I made the mistake of giving about half of it away and now everyone wants me to make it again and I want more so I think this one is my “over and over” winner. Next time I plan to add some citrus zest in bulk to crisp it up some, but that’s my only planned tweak.

As for the best I’ve ever made - to be honest, I’m still searching for a “best” so PLEASE help me by telling me yours!

I took your recommendation of the NZ Sav Blanc and it’s wonderful. This is absolutely a kit I will always have in stock. I matched it up to a commercial one from the same region and the only big difference was this kit has more of a yellow color compared to the commerical one which was crystal clear white. Now that I have an All in one pump and filter, I think this will make the appearance of the finish product better, but the color was very different.
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I made this kit last year- everybody who has tired it seems to love it. I'll probably make it every year now.

Best kit I ever made was in 2012, a WE Selection International French Cabernet Sauvignon (no longer available). I aged it 4 years and it was deemed fantastic by everyone who tasted it. According to Tim V., the WE Selection California Cabernet is the closest they have to it now. I have that one in the bottle now.
Best kit I ever made was in 2012, a WE Selection International French Cabernet Sauvignon (no longer available). I aged it 4 years and it was deemed fantastic by everyone who tasted it. According to Tim V., the WE Selection California Cabernet is the closest they have to it now. I have that one in the bottle now.
Keep us posted on how the WE selection California cab.

I currently have 7 different reds from the Wine Expert line in carboys ages 3 months to a year. I just started this hobby a year ago. I’m just about to bottle my first batch which is the WE Eclipse Lodi cap. With that being said, does the selection series stack up to the eclipse? I imagine so if the one you mentioned was the best kit you ever made.

I’m about to have some carboys free up and looking to see if I should add some of the selection line to the inventory. I’m curious if WE will add an amorone to the eclipse series since they discontinued the international series one.
My favorite is the Winexpert Australian Petit Verdot.
I haven’t been able to find it from anyone including LD Carlson.
Keep us posted on how the WE selection California cab.

I currently have 7 different reds from the Wine Expert line in carboys ages 3 montths to a year. I just started this hobby a year ago. I’m just about to bottle my first batch which is the WE Eclipse Lodi cap. With that being said, does the selection series stack up to the eclipse? I imagine so if the one you mentioned was the best kit you ever made.

I’m about to have some carboys free up and looking to see if I should add some of the selection line to the inventory. I’m curious if WE will add an amorone to the eclipse series since they discontinued the international series one.

I have never made an Eclipse series kit, so I can't compare the two. But I'm sure someone will chime in with a good comparison for you. I've been very satisfied with the Selection series. I've made better than 30 kits, mostly from the Selection series, and have no complaints. The only one I have some doubts about is a white zin that I bottled just a couple of weeks ago. On bottling day it tasted pretty thin and watery. I didn't expect it to have a lot of body, but it seemed weak even for a white zin.
Take a look at the Forza in the Eclipse line. I made it when it was a limited and it really is pretty spectacular.
I have this in a carboy now as I ordered this one when they added it to the eclipse line earlier this year. I’m excited for this one as I’ve read nothing but good reviews.
I have heard by many the En Primeur Amarone is good, but just noticed they the Amarone and Amarone Classico. Does anyone know which people usually refer to?
The difference between the En Primeur Amarone and the Amarone Classico Style is that the Amarone comes with WET crushed grape skins and the Amarone Classico comes with DRIED grape skins. In my experience, most people are referring to the Amarone, not the Amarone Classico, when they say 'En Primeur Amarone'.
The difference between the En Primeur Amarone and the Amarone Classico Style is that the Amarone comes with WET crushed grape skins and the Amarone Classico comes with DRIED grape skins. In my experience, most people are referring to the Amarone, not the Amarone Classico, when they say 'En Primeur Amarone'.
Yes, the Amarone not the Classico. The Amarone comes with both wet skins and raisins.
Excellent thead! So I splurged today based on posts here and bought the NZ Sav Blanc & the Super Tuscan, pretty excited to try them. My question is how long do you age the NZ Sav Blanc?
Excellent thead! So I splurged today based on posts here and bought the NZ Sav Blanc & the Super Tuscan, pretty excited to try them. My question is how long do you age the NZ Sav Blanc?

My Sav Blanc was tasted at 8 months and it was very enjoyable then. It’s close to a year now and it’s only getting better.

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