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Sirs your not a hacker are you ? you sure know a lot about hacking or has it happen to you also
yes you have all that but it doesn't do nothnig to your email itself it just checkes your emails not your email account because it is onlnie there's not alot anyone can do with code all you have to do is open an email from someone who's email account is hacked then they have a door to go into your email account. Most of the time all that is done to your acccount is it's used to send spam out. Most hackers won't get into your personal stuff cause lets face it most people now days don't have enough in any of their accounts to really warrant a full blown attack.The real hackers get into big business accounts or banks where they can transfer a lot of money.

That's what I was trying to tell you Wade a couple days ago- it gets into the e-mail account and your software doesn't pick it up. Only way I could get rid of one that was using my e-mail to send spam was to delete thee-mail account. It's a good thing it was a seldom used account.
OK, I didnt gt what you were saying the other day Rich. I dont run more then one security at one time, I run Kaspersky Suite but I borrowed my brothers Norton disc as he only has 1 computer and it works for 3 so I keep the install file in there and only set up and run it when something like this happens and Micro. Essentials is a free download so install it check as a back up and delete when done from a disc.
There is a BAD day to brew? WOW... new concept.

Today I'm going to rack off my berry blend and bottle 2 other wines. I don't have as many aging in the basement these days. I need to slow down the process as I only have so much space to store bottles and no one to help drink them.

Party at my house!!

There is a BAD day to brew? WOW... new concept.

Today I'm going to rack off my berry blend and bottle 2 other wines. I don't have as many aging in the basement these days. I need to slow down the process as I only have so much space to store bottles and no one to help drink them.

Party at my house!!


Thats exactly my problem also here. My racks are 95% full and I have that unfull spot already set with a batch I just need to label and capsule to fill. I could probably fill the racks 1/2 way again after that as I have about 60 gallons of all different wine long aging on my wine counter also!
Yeah i have 36 gallons "Bulk Aging" (ie been to busy or lack of motivation to bottle) I think i might be getting lazy as just haven't found the time to bottle, i still have a batch bottled that i haven't put labels on yet cause i ran out of ink for the printer. got the new ink bout a month ago. Not sure what my problem is, oh yeah its the 1 month old little girl!!!:D
I have no young children as excuses... my baby just turned 21!!

Maybe because I have so much in the basement and I've done all the "new" stuff I have access to... I find my desire to start more, waning!

I just don't feel that urge to start something, or if I do... I don't have the desire to finish it!!

Hear ya there Girl. I just came back from pier fishing and ha to leave just as the fish were starting to hit but it was really windy and really strted raining pretty heavy to the point even my rain jacket and pants werent cuttingm it, it was also getting muh colder and I wasnt prepared for that. When I made it to my car from where I was fishing my hands were actually numb. Considering I was sweating to death at work yesterday I would have never thought Id be cold today with a sweatshirt, T shirt and a rain jacket on!!!!!!!!!!!
You're getting OUR weather now. We had a high of 95 on Tues and Fri it was a high of 58!! I had the heat on going to work at 6:30am!!

This isn't going to be a good summer! It's been raining now for several days, off and on. Garden is too wet to get into! Weeds will be a mile high!

I was out trimming up iris and lilac bushes tonight. Good weather for THAT! I hope to get some more done tomorrow!

Rick, I think it's a better day to drink a brew than to actually brew. :sm

There is a BAD day to brew? WOW... new concept.

Today I'm going to rack off my berry blend and bottle 2 other wines. I don't have as many aging in the basement these days. I need to slow down the process as I only have so much space to store bottles and no one to help drink them.

Party at my house!!


I brewed and drank to celebrate the brew.
Well after a very busy day setting up booths for the community fair, helping my sister set up for my nieces graduation party and attendign the graduation party. I get to go back up and get the tables and chairs I borrowed from the fired department. It was a fun day yesterday and it will be a long time before another family graduation party.
Making pizza's on the grill today, :db and muscadine wine to drink with it!

Going to haul a bunch of stuff to church for the rummage sale next month. We really put a dent in the basement storage!! Some really good stuff that we just aren't using anymore!!
