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Just got home from some ocean fishing for stripers and didnt get a hit!!! :( Yesterday I was missing because a few people said I sent spam and viruses but I ran 3 full scans through Norton, Kaspersky, and Microsoft Essentials and couldnt find anything. Im at a loss of what could have happened here but none of these programs detected anything at all! If anyone receives a email from me with a link do not click on it please as I never do that anyway!! I truly hope its not coming from my computer, I havent a clue as to where it could have came from if it is through my computer as Im very very cautious now a days as to opening anything even from friends!!!!
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Why dont they get a real job and a real dang life!!!!!!! Imagine what they could do if they worked for us instead of against us! Why dont they screw the government and leave us little guys alone!
Let him get it all out.... I can see the anger and hurt in his typing.... he needs us to be there... listening, nodding occasionally.... you know!!

No wine making for me the last few days. Re-roofed the house. It was old shake with 1 by 6 skip sheeting. Now nice new comp.

Wade you need to go in and change your passwords to your email accounts as thats whats been hacked probly nothing more change the passwords to somethnig hard and save it somewhere where you can access it easily, you can change them about every 3 days for a bit then you should be ok.
Did just what you said Sirs so hopefully that was it but it amazes me as I have 2 internet securities running and 2 firewalls plus I run Spybot also.

I run naked, no firewalls, no spybots, no internet securities whatever the heck that is......

Maybe, but I can see pics on the forums!!!! LOL, wish I could afford a Mac Mike, its way out of my price range though. Maybe when Walmart starts carrying them! :)
Tell me your not a "People of Walmart"......

Did just what you said Sirs so hopefully that was it but it amazes me as I have 2 internet securities running and 2 firewalls plus I run Spybot also.

yes you have all that but it doesn't do nothnig to your email itself it just checkes your emails not your email account because it is onlnie there's not alot anyone can do with code all you have to do is open an email from someone who's email account is hacked then they have a door to go into your email account. Most of the time all that is done to your acccount is it's used to send spam out. Most hackers won't get into your personal stuff cause lets face it most people now days don't have enough in any of their accounts to really warrant a full blown attack.The real hackers get into big business accounts or banks where they can transfer a lot of money.
also alot fo times when people have more than one type of security it kinda messes up and misses alot cuase it is trying not to stop the other so they go back and forth like 2 kids so to speak. you get it, no you get it no you get it back and forth and it's missed