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Went fishing again and took my daughter even though she really wasnt interested until she cast out and within seconds csaught a 19" Rainbow!!!! A few minutes later she caught a 16" Brown and then a 20" sucker but she thought she got snagged on that one and handed the reel to me to break it free. I grabbed it and started reeling it in and laughed and said your not snagged you just have a huge fish and handed it back and when she brought it in near shore it went nuts and splashed the hell out of us and she was laughing so hard at that she almost dropped the pole in!!
Went fishing again and took my daughter even though she really wasnt interested until she cast out and within seconds csaught a 19" Rainbow!!!! A few minutes later she caught a 16" Brown and then a 20" sucker but she thought she got snagged on that one and handed the reel to me to break it free. I grabbed it and started reeling it in and laughed and said your not snagged you just have a huge fish and handed it back and when she brought it in near shore it went nuts and splashed the hell out of us and she was laughing so hard at that she almost dropped the pole in!!

A GREAT family day !
Funny, I was driving by the local reservoir today and remembering when I used to go fishing up in Maine with my Dad in the canoe! Such good memories! I agree, take pictures of everything, she will love it later when she's grown up! :)

U sure you were FISHING?

I remember doing something else when I went "parking" at the reservoir.
Going to bed is what i'm doing. 760 miles of motorcycling this weekend and only one vineyard stop. We visited the Wingate Vineyard in Smicksburg, PA for samples and brought home a case of mixed flavors. http://windgatevineyards.com
Ok, I got the card reader to work for about a minute, just long eneough to get 2 pics and one of them didnt come out well but here is the 3 1/2 lb sucker that my daughter caught and I have a freezer and fridge full of trout if you need pics of that plus I gave my neighbor 2 nice fish that my daughter caught today. Ill be throwing them back for awhile now but ill get some pics of the kids holding them first. My daughter is 12 and my son is 6.

Nice fish wade! Sounds like everyone had some fun this weekend. I like snow but spring is so much better.

Movie was tough to stay awake but we went to a local place to eat. Great food on the river outside. We had a bottle of wine BYOB. Not sure that was a good combo before the movie.

Knees aren't as swollen this morning.
I bet you felt it even more the second day!! Anti-inflammatories and rest... some ice wouldn't hurt now and then either.

Completely true! Knees are better but I feel like I have whiplash.

I got the final results 38 out of 218. Best time was 59 min. Worst was 2 1/2 hrs. 1:22 For my time. I know I could have easily shaved off 5 min if I passed more people instead of letting them block me. I got stuck behind a couple girls carrying a tore through the woods and rocks. I just wanted to finish.
Regardless of why you did it or when you finished, you've got my respect for even entering. Was this a benefit? You need to change your user name to Spartan.

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Regardless of why you did it or when you finished, you've got my respect for even entering. Was this a benefit?

The organization is making money but they donate some to Homes for the Troops. Their goal is $400k for the year.

I did it for fun and a guys weekend. There were 10 of us entered but 3-4 good friends that helped each other with way to gos and come on move it.

My goal was to finish it not to beat others. If I do it again I will approach it more of a real race. Wasn't even sure what to expect. I do know I need to get my endurance up.

Great weekend, awesome weather and we all have some battle scars. Well at least scabs. My kids said my knees look gross!
I'll post pictures when they come out if anyone is interested.
That guy there is the current undefeated champ. I think if he wins about 15 more races he wins $100k. Other than that no prizes.
He did the race in 39 minutes! Not sure how but he must be able to blast up hills.
Just got home from borough council meeting about 15 minutes ago. Having a slightly chilled glass of Elderberry Blueberry, wow has this gotten good. Glad I still have a case hiding in the basement.