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picked up a used (brand new) ebulliometer in the box today from a small winery that is closing up (with a line on some production equipment). After that, we visited some local wineries to scout the competition and just drive around the PA mountains on a nice day. After dinner at BWW (thinking of Mrs. Danger Dave) we enjoyed our own Diamond on the back deck until the lightening chased us inside.....
Yesterday I bottled 29 bottles of skeeter pee and 26 bottles of coffee wine. I gave a couple bottles of skeeter pee away and was told its very good . Today I start another batch of skeeter pee.
sanitizing carboys and adding some Super Kleer to the Cinnamon Pear and Cinnamon Cherry wine.
degassing with this

Painted the accent colors of the porch railings this am. Racked and filtered 6 gallons of apple, 6 gall9ns of cherry and 5 gallons of Brianna. I'm a little dissappointed in the Cherry. Flavor is very subtle compared to other cherry wines I've tasted. if I get cherry again this year, I'll purchase cherries as well and ferment both together..
Juiced 80 lbs of pears. I have made pear a few times before and clearing it is always a bit of a hassle. Thought I would try something different this time.

Clearing pear was simple for me after following someone's directions. I believe it was Turock that told me to add Bento three days after the start of fermentation. It worked like a charm. I have a thread on it somewhere here if you do a search.
Messed with my wine today, some of it, the elderberry is from 2011.

Still in the carboy. Figured it needed to age awhile.

Bottled and gave away about 250 bottle so far this year.

Must still be in my first childhood yet at 75. Still prefer milk. :h

Got another 12 gallons or so of wild grape in a large carboy not in the picture.

cleaned and rinsed bottles and put them on the rack to dry. Put another batch in to soak. Labeled the Sweet Diamond and some of the Cranberry Pom. 3 more carboys cleaned and ready for more juice in September. Slurping on a Wingate Winery Concord.
Clearing pear was simple for me after following someone's directions. I believe it was Turock that told me to add Bento three days after the start of fermentation. It worked like a charm. I have a thread on it somewhere here if you do a search.

Thanks, I'll have to search for it.
Spent the day reprogramming laptops and doing housewife stuff. Spent the evening helping the hubby fire off his second batch of homebrew. I'm so proud of him!
That is positively obscene! Only 5 carboys? Tell us how you arrived at such a lowly state....

I bottled everything except for my almost year old Elderberry and the 4 carboys of Chilean juice. In the past 2 weeks alone I bottled close to 275 bottles.

I need to clean off the shelves so that I can build a rack in their place once I get done painting my house...
I'm sad to report that at the present time I only have 5 full carboys...

I think you're looking at this from the wrong angle. You have 5 empty carboys, it's peach season, and CA grape harvest is just weeks away. You are in great shape, as I see it.
Worked from home today, so I used my normal commute time to bottle the 2013 Chilean Malbec.
It is our anniversary. Going to celebrate at a local vineyard with a premium steak dinner and try some wine from new experimental North Dakota grape varieties.

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Today is my birthday, so I am going out to 90 Acres for dinner after work. BEST FOOD EVER!

It is our anniversary. Going to celebrate at a local vineyard with a premium steak dinner and try some wine from new experimental North Dakota grape varieties.

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making

Happy Birthday John and Happy Anniversary Greg. I'll be looking for pictures tonight. ......No silly boys, of the food I meant!