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Going hiking with the family, then cooking up some Jerk chicken for dinner. It's not the best pairing, but I'll be wishing 'Happy Birthday' to my Cellar Craft LR 2012 Red Mountain Trio by cracking open an bottle. :dg
We are on the last leg of our remodeling project where we converted our Den to a TV room, Living Room to an Office/Library and Family Room to a little more formal Living Room. Yesterday my carpenter put up the crown in the Living Room and I will do the finishing (filling nail holes, caulking and painting). Monday, the crown molding goes up in the Upper Hall and Upper Foyer. That will be a joy to finish, working 20 feet in the air! We are still waiting for our last two pieces of transom for over the doors to the Office/Library. The company that is making them measured wrong for the long piece and the missing short piece was broken when delivered. All in all, it has been a great adventure and I have done a lot myself saving "bee cups" bucks.




We are on the last leg of our remodeling project where we converted our Den to a TV room, Living Room to an Office/Library and Family Room to a little more formal Living Room.

Rocky, do you and Bev get confused when you say something like "It's in the Living Room"?
Rocky, do you and Bev get confused when you say something like "It's in the Living Room"?

We did for a while. It was, "Do you mean the old living room or the new living room?" We are able to keep it straight now. I did misstate in my original post. We are making a less formal living room or a more formal family room, take your pick. Previously, we had the TV in the family room and it dictated the layout of the room and its function. We never used the old living room to any great extent. This new functionality makes the home much more the way we live.
Well it's back to the old grind this morning but over the weekend I racked 4 carboys of the Chilian Syrah and one of Dragon's Blood. Went out to dinner with my two brothers in law. Yesterday we baby sat for our two granddaughters. It was a nice weekend. :i
Had an extra long weekend! Bryan and I took Friday off and sent the kids to daycare. Got started cleaning out our 'mystery garage'. Came full with our house when we bought it. (found a Singer from 1902, a Honda Sprint scooter, antique pot bellied stove, etc.etc.)

Spent lots of time with the kids, poor little stinkers were worn out today after swimming. Also canned 3 patches of pearsauce, and 1 large batch of applesauce.

I'm tired, but content :gn
Today was a recoup day after kids and grandbaby left. Spent the day at the stove making jellies. 2 batches of Ray's habanero apricot, 1 batch mint and 1 batch blackberry habanero.
Tomorrow I have to tend to my neglected wines.
So after quite possible the most pain in the butt racking (first time racking down from a 5gal to a 3gal and 1gal jug, turned out I had 4-1/2 gals of liquid) I found myself short 2 airlocks. Some quick farm engineering later and the problem was solved.


I'll have to pick up a couple more 1 gals to round things out better.


The joys of being new and still building up the equipment stock.
So after quite possible the most pain in the butt racking (first time racking down from a 5gal to a 3gal and 1gal jug, turned out I had 4-1/2 gals of liquid) I found myself short 2 airlocks. Some quick farm engineering later and the problem was solved.

I'll have to pick up a couple more 1 gals to round things out better.

The joys of being new and still building up the equipment stock.

Very creative Plowboy, I'm going to hang that picture on the winery wall in case I find myself in a similar situation.
I could have piped 3 bottles into the one airlock but I was short a tee. The funny thing is all that was included in the box with the vaccine break bleeder.
Today has been productive so far for me. I took my first batch of basil out of my dehydrator, pulled leaves off stems and crumbled it nicely and sealed it up in a jar with my food saver. I checked on my still pregnant goat, played with the kittens at the barn and am contemplating putting some honeydew melon slices in my dehydrator, and I will be grating up zucchini for the freezer for zucchini bread this fall and winter!
I am also spending a lot of time looking at wine recipes and wine making equipment .... I am a newbie planning on making my first wine soon! love this site! so glad I found it!