No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Happy Anniversary Greg!
We are on the last leg of our remodeling project where we converted our Den to a TV room, Living Room to an Office/Library and Family Room to a little more formal Living Room.
Rocky, do you and Bev get confused when you say something like "It's in the Living Room"?
So after quite possible the most pain in the butt racking (first time racking down from a 5gal to a 3gal and 1gal jug, turned out I had 4-1/2 gals of liquid) I found myself short 2 airlocks. Some quick farm engineering later and the problem was solved.
I'll have to pick up a couple more 1 gals to round things out better.
The joys of being new and still building up the equipment stock.
Anybody else read this article?
Disturbing to know that homemade wine can't be shipped except to a lab or for competition....
Racked four carboys this morning cleaned up and went to the beach.