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Finishing up a garage sale. The last hour has been a little slow. Then we'll load up the leftovers and bring them to the Salvation Army. After that, off to a birthday party with the kiddos.
I'm getting ready to drive cross town to the local HBS to get some supplies and some yeasties so I can get something going. Its 25 miles round trip. You'd think in a city of 200,000+ people that there would be more than one store selling these:d much needed items.
:a Much to my dismay, I arrived at the said location and procede to shuffle inside and low and behold, no, none ...absolutley no yeasties or additives of any kind. Just a couple of packs of beer yeast. All gone with no warning. Moving and not going to carry anymore wine making supplies.
Sooo bummed out. Closest place now is Raleigh, NC. Hopefully can find a place where they don't kill me with shipping charges.
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Finishing up a garage sale. The last hour has been a little slow. Then we'll load up the leftovers and bring them to the Salvation Army. After that, off to a birthday party with the kiddos.

Any wine making stuff for sale? Carboys for $5??? :)

Bench testing the Apple Cherry (good at 1.012) and the Cinnamon Pear (pear comes forward at 1.013). Need to keep cleaning the basement out on this nice day. Still waiting on a reply from the TTB.
after returning from the hospital (father in law passed out, but is fine), we are enjoying our own Catawba and will finish off an opened bottle of Cranberry Pomegranate....
This morning, I'm re-learning how to fly my V911 RC helicopter. It's been over a year since I've flown it due to multiple crashes caused by user error. I had my interest sparked in it again recently and bought the parts I needed to get it airborne again. It's such a fun little toy.

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This morning, I'm re-learning how to fly my V911 RC helicopter. It's been over a year since I've flown it due to multiple crashes caused by user error. I had my interest sparked in it again recently and bought the parts I needed to get it airborne again. It's such a fun little toy.


I had a Raptor 50 rc helicopter. My fist crash cost me close to $200 in parts. I learned not to crash after that. Sold the helicopter, still have about 8 planes in the garage that I havent flown in about 10 years.
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Racked my blueberry and elderberry blended the 2 it taste great and blended a blueberry BlackBerry only 1 gallon of the later 2 they taste great.


I had a Raptor 50 rc helicopter. My fist crash cost me close to $200 in parts. I learned not to crash after that. Sold the helicopter, still have about 8 planes in the garage that I havent flown in about 10 years.

That's why I stick with the cheap ones. ;)

Update on the day's activity: in between 'flights', I back sweetened the 2013 blueberry port with Merlot and Blueberry concentrates, then fortified. Then I started the Eclipse Merlot. Getting ready to crack a bottle of last year's Renaissance Aussie Chard.
I had a Raptor 50 rc helicopter. My fist crash cost me close to $200 in parts. I learned not to crash after that. Sold the helicopter, still have about 8 planes in the garage that I havent flown in about 10 years.

Got over 12 (in various stages of build) that I haven't flown in over 5 yrs. Crashing is a 'right of passage' in model flight. Beside the 12 fixed wings I have a number of small helos.
you guys have WAY too much money.....

We did bench testing on the Apple Cherry, Cinnamon Pear and Crab Apple. We look forward to bottling these this week....
I would call that a cheap hobby. I take it you have never owned a boat hokapsig. Or as my wife calls it "a hole in the water where all out money get dumped into"
cleaned up after 1st group of company left.Tomorrow I'm really hoping to rack at least one of my cab.sauv's and a merlot before 2nd group arrives on Tuesday.
Got over 12 (in various stages of build) that I haven't flown in over 5 yrs. Crashing is a 'right of passage' in model flight. Beside the 12 fixed wings I have a number of small helos.

My largest plane is a 1/3rd scale Sis Spacewalker. We covered it with cloth and sprayed the Spacewalker color sceme with base coat - clear coat. It has a 9' wingspan with a 50 cc gas engine. After all the time it took me to cover and spray I was ahlf afraid to fly it so it became a hanger queen.
I haven't posted much lately, life's been hectic and extreme couponning has taken more time lately, and I've been ignoring my wines, but I hear they like that.

Super-BUSY week getting ready for our homeowner's interview. To make it seem like we're not total lushes, I had to get carboys out of plain sight. There were 6x 5 gal and 1x 3 gal. Since I didn't want to just move them and risk stirring up sediment, I racked EVERYTHING and stashed them in safe places. Now all that is visible is 2x 5 and my 15 gal demijohn. It looks a lot less like Dr. Moriarty's playground now.

Also, the peach experiment is quickly seeming like it may be my best yet.. It's pretty amazing, even young.

That's about it... send me prayers, luck, good vibes, or whatevs on our meeting tomorrow!
Good luck, Gina! And let us know how it goes.
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