Well even at -30F life doesn't stop. Today it warmed up to like -15F still cold but not that big of a thing.
I realize "ya'll" dont see it like we do, and we don't like it either, we adapt, or move somewhere warm. Most of us are broke so we adapt.
When I woke up Saturday and seen -35F I knew it was just a cold day. Sometimes things just don't always work out the way you want.
So I made my famous Kim Chee. It is hot garlicky, and just plain old nasty. The cats are hiding under the bed. After it sits on the fridge for a week or so, the smell of the wine fermenting will be nothing more than a FRTING .
I am not one to brag about my own cooking, or other things to follow, but this is a mean batch of Kim Chee. Only a Korean could appreciate the eye watering aroma from the garlic and hot peppers coming from this.
Yikes. Or as they would say in Korean....Yikes!!!!
