What R you DRINKING today?

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Yesterday we popped the cork on the jalapeño wine I was given in PA. I liked it!
Vicki wasn't so sure about it but when she tasted it she liked it too.
Yesterday we popped the cork on the jalapeño wine I was given in PA. I liked it!
Vicki wasn't so sure about it but when she tasted it she liked it too.

Glad you liked it. It's an acquired taste. I'll be starting a 3 gallon batch in a couple weeks. I enjoy it.
Well I did Aldi thing AND got fresh. The Alis is bottled but, the fresh is still aging. So far the fresh looks promising.

I looked for the plum juice at Aldi's today but they don't carry it around here. But they did have 100% pomegranate/plum juice so I bought 2 gallons of it and will will be making a batch of it soon.
Today I'm drinking some Blackberry wine that was started in September, it is young but so, so good. I bottled 7 gallons of it this month all from free berries in Washington state. It's still the only wine I can make without shelling out something for fruit (other than blood), so it holds a very special place in my heart & wine rack.
This evening Vicki and I are enjoying an excellent Elderberry wine that was given to me in PA. We love it! :dg
Popped the cork (synthetic) on a split of WE SI Montepulciano. It was bottled on August 2010. Enjoyed it at a local BYO Pizza joint. Quite nice once it was open a few minutes. Made it to drink young but have read many who say it is great after 12-18 months. So we will try to hold off a while longer, mabye pop one a month for a while.
I don't work tomarow so I am drinking everything in sight. 12 hrs of work every day starts to get old after a bit.
I don't work tomarow so I am drinking everything in sight. 12 hrs of work every day starts to get old after a bit.

Have another on me...

Sitting here enjoying a glass of (only) 8 month old Chianti from Chilean juice that underwent MLF. Very good if I do say so myself. I'll be getting this again and doing everything the same..
Muscadine - noble, OMG I think I died and went to heaven. This stuff is fanastic with a steak.
Starting another batch of skeeter pee, summer just has to be around the corner and I want to be ready.
I so know the feeling, been there drank that........lol it does clear up so pretty doesn't it
Drinking 3 buck Chuck. :dg:dg:d

OK who know what it is....
well I drugg out my damson plum it seems to have got abit stronger somehow might just be age on it lol
Had to see why my son in law likes my Santa Rosa Plum, dang, half a cup and I was buzzed but then I'm :sl I had it a little hot, 14.5 ABV backsweetened to 1.025 with an F-pac.......chilled its very good i think, but then that all that counts eh.

I'm not to far from testing my first skeeter pee as its ready to rack to carboy, looking forward to that.