What vegetables can wine be made from

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NSwiner, may I call you Darlene?:D, what is skeeter pee? I have seen that it is "pear slurry" but from what, is it a byproduct or just really mashed up/down pears?.

As for "what have I made" well apart from "making an *** of myself":D(frequently)
John Bull, Lager, Bitter, Mild.
Young's, Lager, Harvest Bitter, Export.
too many and too long ago Boot's wine kits various.
Edme and Muntons, same story.
CWE, likewise.
A Stout kit?(went green!)(not drunk!)
Blackberry. countless gallons (Imperial)
Sloe. (takes 18 months to not curl your teeth)
Elderflower, once used 20ltrs loose heads for 5 gal(cat pee!!)
Hawthorn, interesting, full bodied, made dry, was good after 6months.
A few mad experiment's best forgotten (chilli cola with dark brown sugar!!!):<:s
had a few years off:d, well y'know how it can be.
Back off the wagon;)
Currently making "Easy Wine"/ #1 borrowed from, http://www.homewinemaking.co.uk/cgi/yabb/YaBB.cgi
Purple Grape (Welches)(Concorde)
Cherry and Berry (Cherrygood)
(all 1ltr juice+1ltr white or red grape juice+700g sugar, nutrient, pectolase, appropriate acid).
NSwiner, may I call you Darlene?:D, what is skeeter pee? I have seen that it is "pear slurry" but from what, is it a byproduct or just really mashed up/down pears?.

As for "what have I made" well apart from "making an *** of myself":D(frequently)
John Bull, Lager, Bitter, Mild.
Young's, Lager, Harvest Bitter, Export.
too many and too long ago Boot's wine kits various.
Edme and Muntons, same story.
CWE, likewise.
A Stout kit?(went green!)(not drunk!)
Blackberry. countless gallons (Imperial)
Sloe. (takes 18 months to not curl your teeth)
Elderflower, once used 20ltrs loose heads for 5 gal(cat pee!!)
Hawthorn, interesting, full bodied, made dry, was good after 6months.
A few mad experiment's best forgotten (chilli cola with dark brown sugar!!!):<:s
had a few years off:d, well y'know how it can be.
Back off the wagon;)
Currently making "Easy Wine"/ #1 borrowed from, http://www.homewinemaking.co.uk/cgi/yabb/YaBB.cgi
Purple Grape (Welches)(Concorde)
Cherry and Berry (Cherrygood)
(all 1ltr juice+1ltr white or red grape juice+700g sugar, nutrient, pectolase, appropriate acid).

Hi Ohbeary,

Skeeter pee is a lemon wine made from lemon concentrate and a slurry. The slurry is the lees from a wne that you have made previously. When you rack from the primary to a secondary instead of throwing away the lees that is left in the bottom, you make skeeter pee. I usually put the slurry in a couple of canning jars and place in the frig until I am ready to make skeeter pee. There is a web site that has the recipe if you are interested. www.skeeterpee.com
Thanks Julie I just noticed that Ohbeary asked the question and you probably explained it better then I could .Ohbeary and anyone else is welcome to call me by my name .
Thankyou kindly Julie for the info, and thankyou Darlene for the post that will see "Skeeter Pee"(colourful story indeed:D) being made in Cornwall quite soon, plenty of slurry available, just need to do the cash&carry run for the big bottles of lemon juice and quite possibly the lime juice aswell:h
Mosti Mondiale VN Cabernet

Island Mist GA Riesling w/7 cups sugar in primary - twice

Cornicopia GA Riesling w/7 cups sugar in primary

Island Mist Pomegrante Zinfandel w/7 cups sugar and 1/2 f-pack in primary

Heron Bay Wildberry Chianti with above addition

CC LOVZ 12L with grape pack.. Added 1 pound zant currant raisins to primary

CC Pousse Blanc 16L

US Elite Pinot Noir

US Elite Sangiovese

Reserve Du Chateau Barolo

Vino Italiano Cabernet added 1 pound zant currant raisins

Vino Italiano Chardonnay with 2 med toast american oak spirals in
secondary - twice

Diamanti White Ice Wine

Spagnols Orchard Breezin Sangria w/7 cups sugar in primary

Vino Italiano Muscato Backsweetened w/250 ml wine conditioner

Skeeter Pee

Also a few batches of beer thrown in there. All in just over 1 year. I now own 3 primaries, 1 bottling bucket, 4-6 gal carboys, 2-5 gal carboys, 1-3 gal carboy, 5-1 gal glass jugs, port floor corker, and thats just the main hardware! Guess you could say I am hooked. Only a matter of time before I get a press and start working on fresh/frozen grape buckets..
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I don't bother to keep track. Right now I've got an American pale ale kegged, just finished a couple of gallons of hard cider and I've got 10 gallons of zinfandel that I'll get around to bottling soon enough.
I don't bother to keep track. Right now I've got an American pale ale kegged, just finished a couple of gallons of hard cider and I've got 10 gallons of zinfandel that I'll get around to bottling soon enough.

hello artyboy and welcome to the forum, I'm a hardened cider maker too..

hello everyone, I'm new to the forum.

Allie, your in Auckland? Im in Hamilton,

Atmo I'm fermenting:
25 litres of Pear wine
25 litres of dark plum wine
18 litres of a more pinker plum wine
25 litres of feijoa wine x 3

Hoping to do this year:
golden kiwifruit wine
green kiwifruit wine
more feijoa wine (got to love feijoa season)
blueberry wine
and any other fruit i can get my hands on hehe

Last year i made about 150 litres all up of feijoa wine, a Sav Blanc kit (that was my first wine). I'm a poor student, so making wine is like a dream come true haha although now the focus isn't so much on what gets you drunk to what tastes good.

Welcome to the forum. Looks like you've made a good start into the hobby. I had to google what a feijoa was. Care to share the recipe?
Pear wine

I made some home made pear wine.. pear grown int he back yard,,here in Montana... got 19 bottles,,,taste great,,, aka Pear 2009 (first attempt)

Working on some getting recipes for cherry wine, rhubarb, strawberry rhubarb, apple wine,,, maybe plum wne as well.. 2010

Got them all growing in my back yard
Check out our RECIPE section
Welcome aboard
Alot of us (me) make fruit wines :db
Banana Apple homemade wine. No clearing agents yet, I think it's doing fine on it's own.

Hey Torch,

The recipe is off Jack hellers site, I've got another recipe that my aunty uses I'll post it when I see her next.

Tom - sure thing, you'll have to come round for a drink sometime, I'm just round the corner... of the globe haha :p

Green - looking good mate, is it quite a cloudy wine? I've never seen it clearing at that stage I always seem to miss it.
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In the year I've been trying my hand at it I've made,
12 gallons of Elderberry, which I'm not real happy with.
5 gallons of Blackberry, which I wish I had made 50 gal.
5 gallons of Peach/fizzy,, yep, corks blew out on some.
5 gallons of Welches Grape Concentrate,
now I have
5 gallons of Skeeter Pee, almost gone.
5 gallons of Skeeter Pee, about ready to bottle.
15 gallons of Fresh Strawberries, fermenting
5 gallons of Strawberry Jam, clearing in a carboy
3 gallons of Tea wine,,, clearing in a carboy
6 gallons of Loquat,, fermenting.
I can't wait to do a real grape kit, but business has to get alot better. Till then I'll keep picking blackberries on the road side.
And I also have to get some Elderflowers going.