Whenever I make ho-made pizza, I have to confess that my dough is premade. I am able to buy a ball of uncooked dough at one of my local grocery stores, made by a local bakery. However, it is not the store I usually go to, so it is a special trip. All of this is leading up to my asking you if you can share or link to your recipe. Is it basically the same as no-knead bread, or something like that? Any tips welcome!
This was out of a pizza book that my brother received with a pizza pan my dear Mother once bought him.
1-2 TBS olive oil
1 tsp salt (I use Kosher or Sea salt)
3/4 cup tepid water
2 cups high gluten flour (any from winter wheat works well, including bread flour - Robin Hood works really well)
+ more as needed (kneaded, yuck yuck)
1 1/2 to 2 tsp instant yeast (I get mine at a local restaurant supply place, dirt cheap)
Add to a mixer with bread hook or make a well with the flour and mix by hand - knead for 15 minutes until gluten develops - add flour or water as needed to make soft but not wet dough.
I place it in a plastic baggie and throw in the fridge overnight. Can add to a warmed/oiled bowl and cover with a towel to let rise faster. Slower rise in fridge makes for a better tasting crust.
If in fridge, bring out and let sit at room temperature for 1 to 2 hours.
Add flour to a bread board of some sort, coat dough and work with hands (include tossing if you are somewhat able to do without dropping on floor) for the desired thickness of crust.
Note that the crust will increase in thickness as it heats in the oven (usually doubles for me).
I cook (once pizza is assembled) at the highest temperature that my oven consistently goes (500*F) in a seasoned steel pizza pan until desired browning of toppings (including cheese) is achieved.
Hope that makes sense.