Is there a consensus recipe for the pizza dough? I just received my Kettle Pizza rig for the Weber.
Like Jim said, there are as many recipes and methods as there are people. My base one is simple from a pizza book my brother got 20+ years ago...
3/4 cup water (tap is okay as long as no chlorine in it, if so let sit for a while so most of the chlorine dissapates)
1 TBS oil (I use olive oil)
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp instant or active dry yeast (you have to moisten up the active for a few minutes, then add)
2 1/4 cups flour (some use all purpose, I use something with a higher protein content, like bread flour)
Mix by hand or in a mixer with a bread hook for 10 minutes or so, place ball in a proofing container or plastic bag. Throw in the fridge overnight (or up to 3 days), pull out about 3 hours before pizza dough making. Form into a disc, let rest for 10 minutes, pull or roll to desired size and thickness.
Also, I don't add the salt or all the flour, make a wet glob and let sit 15 minutes, then add the salt and the rest of the flour. Supposed to help the gluten chains align or something. Does make for easier dough formation.