We enjoyed ~tabouleh (cous-cous with red onion, cilantro, tomato, lemon, EVOO). Fennel (grilled low and slow in foil, then crisped up on hot grill, see below). Escarole, sauteed with garlic then braised, which I almost ruined by overcooking but Mrs. S_G saved the day by dousing it with sherry before I ruined it. And, the piece de la resistance, another dish of lamb spare ribs. These were marinated for ~6 hours in EVOO, garlic, some fresh rosemary, and LOTS of fresh sage. Then cooked low and slow on the grill in foil. We were then called off on a minor emergency to help some friends out of a pickle, and they proceeded to ply us with some rose in gratitude, so the fennel and lamb rested on the grill for longer than anticipated. After returning, I stoked the fire back up, took the fennel and the lamb out of the foil, and crisped them up over high heat. No one complained. (Actually, I complained about the escarole, but no one listened!