What's for Dinner?

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Now that the wifey is a nurse, she's got the "fun" schedule. So far all daytime shifts (7 am to 7:30 pm), eventually will go 7 pm to 7:30 am towards the end of August. She's still training at this point.

So little (lol) 'ol me is stuck at home making dinner for one most of the time (daughter has work and band camp, son has work most weekdays in the afternoon/evening). Knew it was supposed to rain today, so did some research and decided to try a Chicago style tavern thin crust pizza. Dough was easy enough to make, fridge to slow ferment it (supposed to go 2 to 3 days). Got to use the rolling pin and docker (thin and flat is the idea).

Turned out pretty well, 500*F on the pizza steel. 3 minutes with just sauce and fresh Italian snausage, then added cheeses and finished for another 7 minutes. Cracker thin and crunchy on the outside, still a slight chew on the inner crust. Can definitely eat more of this than a traditional NY style, nice topping to crust ratio. Yum!

Now I gotta make the same recipe, with a 3 day old dough since I'll be a bachelor on Saturday afternoon/evening/night. Thinking of switching up and using some Hatch chiles that I just parched on the grill, they would add a nice flavor, maybe a base white sauce (cream/mushroom) instead of tomato pizza sauce? I need ideas you folks from the SW (@ibglowin & @Kraffty).
Now I gotta make the same recipe, with a 3 day old dough since I'll be a bachelor on Saturday afternoon/evening/night. Thinking of switching up and using some Hatch chiles that I just parched on the grill, they would add a nice flavor, maybe a base white sauce (cream/mushroom) instead of tomato pizza sauce? I need ideas you folks from the SW (@ibglowin & @Kraffty).
My favorite is what we call a "Roadrunner Pizza" in these parts. Pepperoni, Italian Sausage and Green Chile'. On tomato sauce unfortunately. Its a great blend! :db
My favorite is what we call a "Roadrunner Pizza" in these parts. Pepperoni, Italian Sausage and Green Chile'. On tomato sauce unfortunately. Its a great blend!
"Roadrunner Pizza" ALWAYS includes coyote that is either flattened or grilled (Mac truck symbol is not required on the 'grilled' version).
A good week for sweet treats ,,
, , a county fair selection of 72 types of cookies and fudge and brownies and bread and pie and doughnuts and artificial sweeteners in bars and even wheat free bars.
and nobody else got to taste them once I finished, ,,,
and then to a different building for peach wine and rhubarb and elderberry and grape and cranberry and apple and …
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My favorite is what we call a "Roadrunner Pizza" in these parts. Pepperoni, Italian Sausage and Green Chile'. On tomato sauce unfortunately. Its a great blend! :db
Tomato sauce is fine, I just had a hankering for a white sauce. Just made a Joe Beddia (Pizza Camp) mushroom cream sauce. Will put it on a 4 day old dough for lunch with some more mushrooms if my wife would get out of the kitchen, lol. Pictures later...

With the leftover mushrooms and cream I'll attempt this tonight:


Take care of two things at once, use up the mushrooms and cook with lamb (girls don't like either), since I'll be home with the doggie tonight.
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Okay, finally getting some much needed rain. So cooking outside would have been tough. Used my excess mushrooms I didn't use in the pizza for some Lamb Stroganoff. The savory flavor of the lamb pairs so well with the shrooms, garlic, onion and cream. So yum!

View attachment 114559
another lesson in "Winemakers can cook". Sounds really good.
It's not for dinner, but I tried a new recipe today: Cherry Clafoutis, credited to Julia Child. The short description is that it's a rather thin cake batter with a LOT of fruit.

I saw the recipe a while back and saved it, but didn't get to it. The other day I purchased a bag of fresh cherries ... and Mrs. WM81 informed me we had TWO bags in the bottom drawer in the fridge. Ok ... need to use 'em up, so it's time to make the recipe.

First, pit the cherries. I picked the oldest bag, which are VERY ripe. Cherry juice STAINS, so I put down a sheet of parchment paper with paper towels on top.


FYI -- the counter is Formica, and Soft Scrub will take out the stains. And there ARE stains. Fortunately for me, Mrs. WM81 is visiting her sister so I have the opportunity to erase my sins!

The recipe calls for 3 cups of cherries, but that's too much. My result, which baked for 72 minutes and is still not fully set in the middle instead of the projected 45-60 minutes, is far more crowded.

I'm sure it's edible, and I have 2 bags of cherries remaining to try again.


Once it's cool enough to try ... I'll be trying!
It's not for dinner, but I tried a new recipe today: Cherry Clafoutis, credited to Julia Child. The short description is that it's a rather thin cake batter with a LOT of fruit.!
I need to try CLAFOUIS
I am a few weeks from needing freezer space again ,,, we have a few gallons of cherry from last month frozen
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It's not for dinner, but I tried a new recipe today: Cherry Clafoutis, credited to Julia Child. The short description is that it's a rather thin cake batter with a LOT of fruit.

I saw the recipe a while back and saved it, but didn't get to it. The other day I purchased a bag of fresh cherries ... and Mrs. WM81 informed me we had TWO bags in the bottom drawer in the fridge. Ok ... need to use 'em up, so it's time to make the recipe.

First, pit the cherries. I picked the oldest bag, which are VERY ripe. Cherry juice STAINS, so I put down a sheet of parchment paper with paper towels on top.

View attachment 114576

FYI -- the counter is Formica, and Soft Scrub will take out the stains. And there ARE stains. Fortunately for me, Mrs. WM81 is visiting her sister so I have the opportunity to erase my sins!

The recipe calls for 3 cups of cherries, but that's too much. My result, which baked for 72 minutes and is still not fully set in the middle instead of the projected 45-60 minutes, is far more crowded.

I'm sure it's edible, and I have 2 bags of cherries remaining to try again.

View attachment 114577

Once it's cool enough to try ... I'll be trying!
French version of Yorkshire pudding with Cherries in it! :D

Looks tasty!
On Saturday our neighbors came over to bottle their 6 gallons each of merlot and zin. Both came out really good and since they’re already aged two years we had some with a brisket I smoked overnight.
View attachment 114602
Looks like a great cut, last time I ate af a bbq place the meat was mostly fat. Yours looks great.
Yesterday I decided on pizza for dinner, and rarely make a white pizza as Mrs WM81 doesn't care for it. She was visiting family at the beach, not due home until Wednesday, so that was my plan.

Due to the weather, she and our son returned home yesterday. So I changed plans and made a second pizza.

white pizza.jpg

Sauted a lot of garlic in olive oil, painted the dough with it, then dusted with oregano and black pepper, and topped with ricotta and mozzarella.

My son walked into the house and immediately assaulted the white pizza. Didn't look twice at the regular pizza. Situation totally normal!

I also made a second clafoutis. I cut the cherries down from 3 cups to 2 cups, and it was perfectly set at 50 minutes baking time. Mrs. WM81 loves it, so it's added to the recipe book.


At first thought I considered this a cake. It's not -- it's a custard with a lot of fruit embedded in it. We have a large bag of cherries that need using, so I'll make it again tomorrow.