It seems some people just think that if something exists, it is up for grabs. I have had more produce stolen over the years than would feed a small village for years. About 15-20 years ago for example, I began noticing as fields of sweet corn would get ready for hand picking, that huge sections of them would dissapear - just the ears. Then one evening I sent my oldest son over to pick a couple thousand ears for a customer. He was quietly picking along when he heard somebody drive into the field in the next picking road over from him. He stayed quiet and watched. Out jumped a few men and they began picking away. They loaded the truck and drove off a while later. He described the truck to me and I recognized the description as a casual aquaintence. A couple days later I got a call from a relative that the truck was spotted on our main farm, so I went to check it out. Sure enough the next field of sweet corn ready for picking was next up to be stolen. Not wanting to confront the guy directly, I called the cops and reported him. They said the guy was under surveilance for stealing all sorts of things. They apparently asked him about it. The guy called my wife and threatened her saying he knew guys in NYC that could make us dissapear. It scared her to death. I was told by somebody that knows both of us that he thought I was done picking those fields and that he was picking corn to bait bears with! I hadn't picked a single ear of corn yet out of those fields! SO yes, these things happen and even if you find out who does it doesn't mean it will stop.