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NW the other berries on these are a lighter, orange-ish color, after they get to this color they get a littledarker, then fall off. They are about the size of a Le Sueur Pea
, very soft, can squeeze them easily, haven't tasted, a little gun shy of putting in my mouth not knowing what they are, no real smell to them either.
Everything is growing like crazy....

Edelweiss Grape...

Louise Swenson...

Beta Fruit have reached their usual size....barely a whisper of a purple thinge...

The vines are all gone wild...don't know where to start thinning to let some sunshine and air inside...will wait for awhile....No sign of fungus so far...
Edited by: Northern Winos
I was out wondering around the yard this evening. Hereare some of the pictures of the high bush cranberries I took.



I don't think the birds will get all of these.
I could if I knew how to tell when they are ripe. I think you have to wait until after a frost anyway to pick them. These are the ones that came up wild in the wet place below the orchard. I have a couple of bushes in the backyard also. They look all beat up compared to the wild ones but they still have berries on them.
Bought a PixWell Gooseberry plant this spring and made some cuttings....they were growing on their own now...

So set them out today with the Mother Plant...

How many plants are needed to make wine????
We found a wild gooseberry plant out in the woods while picking Chokecherries...the Gooseberries were ripe and dark in color and not very tasty...

Anyone ever made Gooseberry wine???

The Black Currant cuttings that I set out a while ago are catching up to the bare-root plants I set out this spring...

Anyone ever made wine from their own Black Currants???? How many plants are needed to make a batch of wine???....the Vintners Harvest Fruit Base made such a great wine....will probably do another batch while these are growing and reproducing.
Hope all the babies make it through the winter and produce in a few years...

Edited by: Northern Winos
The very disease prone valiant grapes are looking really good...Turning purple and not a hint of mold/mildew/mummified fruit...Here's hoping they get sweet and ripe.

The Louise Swenson's are still green...they are a white variety...

Some of the others that should be turning purple are still green...

Apples are very large and loaded the branches to breaking points...



If all goes well we should get some fruit to make wine this fall, a little rain would be nice.
If I could give you some of our rain I would!!! We don't need any more. I haven't had to water my garden once since spring.

Nice crop you have though- looks like you'll have lots to do in a few weeks huh?!!
Those are about the best looking bunch of apples hanging from a tree that I have ever seen. Do you do any spraying to keep the bugs off? Every yard apple tree I have ever seen has these big black spots and dents in the apples from various things, doesn't look like you have that problem.

However, Keep posting pics like that and pretty soon a tent will appear in the background............

Did I ever tell ya that I planted 2 crabapple trees? They are very hard to find in NC but I found 2 good size trees (7 foot above ground when planted) and put them in the front yard.
I have never sprayed apples...we have been growing them for over 30 years....some at our last place and these here.

We are pretty remote so maybe just on borrowed time.
The fall bearing Redwing raspberries have sent up their new canes, budded, been pollinated by those wonderful Bumble Bees and the fruit is setting on nicely....

By the looks of some of the berries might even get a few to ripen before frost this year.

The apples are just hanging...

Pretty windy today and many are dropping...the seeds are brown and the early ones are getting sweet....will be making juice from these 'free-falls' will have some 'wine-fix'in's'Edited by: Northern Winos
Harvested the onions today....

Anyone ever made Onion Wine???? Would think it would be a good marinade...?

Kind of bitter/sweet pulling the produce out of the garden and storing it in the old shed....Next move is when it gets cold and the produce goes to the root-celler....The seasons are moving along all too quickly!
NW...Why do they call them "root-cellars"? As a kid on the farm I remember all Mothers canned goods as well as the onions, potatoes, smoked bacon and hams went to the root cellar. It was nice going down in there in the hot summertime and popping the seal on a jar of pickled peaches
My folks had a 'root-cellar' had potatoes, onions, carrots, my Mother's Dahlia bulbs...her canning jars were seperate....I guess the last generation coined that phrase....I keep all that same stuff down there too... and now the is now a Root/Wine Cellar. What are you keeping in your 'Storm-Cellar'????

Guess we are all very fortunate to have a place to store all our food and wine....

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
They just make the best of everything they have.
To feel rich, count all the things you have that money can't buy.
Edited by: Northern Winos
Red onions and red cabbage look pretty nasty when they are cooked....don't know if red onions would make a pretty colored wine once fermented....

An onion or garlic wine really intrigues me...maybe one day I'll give it a whirl.
Northern Winos said:
My folks had a 'root-cellar' had potatoes, onions, carrots, my Mother's Dahlia bulbs...her canning jars were seperate....I guess the last generation coined that phrase....I keep all that same stuff down there too... and now the is now a Root/Wine Cellar. What are you keeping in your 'Storm-Cellar'????

Guess we are all very fortunate to have a place to store all our food and wine....

Only wine at the present NW...And an occasional frightened soul when a storm rolls in..which has been a long time since the last one. We are needing some rain desperately. My yard has turned crunchy and the trees are beginning to get pretty stressed too. Some of the Maples are already shedding leaves.

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
They just make the best of everything they have.
To feel rich, count all the things you have that money can't buy.
Edited by: Waldo

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