WMT (Unofficial) Strawberry Coastal White Wine Competition

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The competition remains open at all times. Feel free to come and go as you please. I think we'll shoot for shipping time at the end of September, that will give plenty of time for others to jump in along the way.

Let me know, Phil, when you get your kit, and I'll add you to the list. That would make nine! Awesome!

Note: We have our two judges, to remain anonymous until September.
The competition remains open at all times. Feel free to come and go as you please. I think we'll shoot for shipping time at the end of September, that will give plenty of time for others to jump in along the way.

Let me know, Phil, when you get your kit, and I'll add you to the list. That would make nine! Awesome!

Note: We have our two judges, to remain anonymous until September.
I just ordered it this morning from Rich at Windy Hill Wine in Meadville PA. My favorite brew shop. I will pick it up when I return to PA.
This sounds fun!
holy crap!! i hadn't checked this thread since wednesday, now i'm 5 pages behind!! I'll shoot out a pic of mine tonight when i get home
Mine's already down to 1.000! Removed strawberries and stuff. My step-daughter wanted to drink it now!
I guess strawberry Kool Aid doesnt count for strawberries?

So Dave, do you hope to bury us all in the dust? LOL

More time to age nicely, or tweak along the way. I'm going to let it sit and finish out for several more days, then rack, stabilize, degas, and fine.

Catch me if you can! :spm
OK, my entry is in secondary. Soon the real wizardy will take place!


Note to judges: That black thing floating on top is a dead fly - no worries! :)

Ah, secondary, huh? Mine's staying in the primary on those nice sweet lees until it's dry. Game on, Jim!

Oh, and---minus the fly (lol)---yours is the same color as mine. I think a nice rose is in the making.

Wizardry, is it? That's very Harry Potter-ish of you. I've got a bit of voodoo in store for mine.

OK, my entry is in secondary. Soon the real wizardy will take place!

Note to judges: That black thing floating on top is a dead fly - no worries! :)


Jim, whats up with that? Do you really think you'll have "one up" on others because your's is more chewy or not as thin as others. Dude, come here son. Let me let you in on a secret, do kill the fly. Ok that's just between us now. They will add lots of protien as they recycle the wine, alive.
Dan, I'm thinking he is promoting a healthier wine, his wine will have protein in It.
wow thread went a lil crazy over the weekend! Im down for quarterly as well.

I gotta get pics up but im in secondary as well, this stuff was super messy, it was awesome! my wife wasn't nearly as amused as I was with it. As for color well thats what mine looks like as well, I was really surprised how fast this went i started mine at 1.200 and came in last night after being out for the weekend and boom shes at 1.002.
If my experience is any indicator, it won't be pink for long.




Looks like everyone kept busy this weekend, I'm in secondary too, love the color but have no experience as to how much it will change over time. Just hoping to keep it red and not orange. Any tips anyone wants to share as far as color goes?

you can always toss more strawberries in after fermentation is complete and you have stabilized. the juice will provide color, flavor and sugar but you gotta wait or it will kick back up and start fermenting again. or you can just make an f-pak with strawberries should get some color from there as well....or you can always paint the outside of the bottle :)