WMT (Unofficial) Strawberry Coastal White Wine Competition

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No tips on this one. You are all on your own. We shall see how you do. You are each and every one good wine makers. :hug
Looks like everyone kept busy this weekend, I'm in secondary too, love the color but have no experience as to how much it will change over time. Just hoping to keep it red and not orange. Any tips anyone wants to share as far as color goes?

Look at the top of your carboy in the pic and you can already see how settling is making it darker at the neck. Once the yeast and lees settle out (or you force them down with a clearing agent) it will darken quite a bit over what you have there. The pix I posted were just settling action, no clearing agents.

If it's still not dark enough after that, you can open an artery and add some color. :h

UNDER EDIT: So we got 10 people in this and just 3 have posted a pic? What's up with that? C'mon slackers...
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Thanks for all the help guys - I see how this is going to go now - every man (and women) for themselves. Kind of off topic but I thought I'd throw in a pic of the two coastal reds I had to bottle to open up a free carboy for the strawberry. These we're also BOGO and I made them into a dry and sweet version.

I'm with jim, where are all the progress pictures??

still in my camera, i have been taking them just to lazy to post, i need to take a ton of pics for another forum as well blah!
I have been out of town, was supposed to get home Saturday, got bumped to Sunday, and that did not happen either...but we are about 30 minutes out!!!
Strawberries still green at the grocery. And out of town. Will really depend on if I can get good berries. Loving the his n hers labels !!!
Strawberries still green at the grocery. And out of town. Will really depend on if I can get good berries. Loving the his n hers labels !!!

Try the frozen foods case. The most dead-ripe berries out of the fields are frozen immediately.





I'm just not seeing it.
the stuff in the kit Red Star Premier Cuvee i believe is what it was, i could seriously clean the bucket up and in 20min it was covered again, it was awesome to say the least i cant wait to do another strawberry :D
Dend, maybe all the sugar, I held back and froze 1/2 gal of the kit concentrate in the beginning and once I added the strawberries and other goodies I had to adjust to get the SG down to 1.082. I do have about 1/2 gal over for topping off with though.
Here's mine, quiet and clearing nicely next to it's "friends". It's the PINK one, in case you couldn't tell. It's going to be lovely, I think.


A month to clear, and we'll see how she taste! :h
that could be my sg was high like 1.20 to start so im sending in some rocket fuel, may be a lil hot in October for the judges but i may be wrong time will tell
Dave, is that another straight coastal next to your strawberry, I was expecting the coastal to be lighter colored than it seems to be coming along. Mine (next to my strawberry) is at one month aging and kind of straw colored.
