WMT (Unofficial) Strawberry Coastal White Wine Competition

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Great pictures, Dend! The same thing happened to me---wine overrun! Not as bad as yours, but it wanted out long before it's time.

I gave you all the opportunity to conceed the victory early on. That offer no longer stands. I expect some stiff competition, here, not flabby wine! :f
Finally got mine started tonight. Will take pictures maybe tomorrow. Have been delayed due to the flu kicking my butt. Fever free for 24 hours, so I was in the safe zone for winemaking!! Though still do not feel up to drinking any. Game on!!
eww no activity in the airlock still got some bubbles floating on top though, i still got plenty o head space i plan to use that up back sweetening.

dangerdave said:
Great pictures, Dend! The same thing happened to me---wine overrun! Not as bad as yours, but it wanted out long before it's time.

its awesome isnt it i love it, cleanup was more than i wanted, but it was still great

saramc said:
Game on!!
glad you are feeling better
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Here is a pretty picture, seven hours after pitching my yeast. Smells sinful! Doing 3 gallon strawberry version, 2 gallons original Coastal White.

lookin good! checked mine out last night color is for sure getting a brighter red, sitting quietly at 0.994
I sampled some of my wine by mistake after drinking a bottle of Arne's apple wine last Friday. The carboys are lined up and wrapped, and I wanted to sample a different one but got this by drunken mistake.

Uh :s

Fortunately, in a day or so the wizardry will begin.
My Wine is patiently minding it's business but I plan on degassing and fining next weekend. In the mean time I've been creating my team of F-Pacs. The wicked stepmother of an extract along with her three red-headed step daughters should give me some great ingredients to blend with. I love it when a plan comes together.

Ain't nothing wrong with that label, Mike. I'm sticking with the "Fat Flamingo" label, myself.

With four buckets from Luva Bella and four Coastal White kits---and two more kits for my wife---I'm making a lot of wine right now. The oaked Coastal White I made next to the Strawberry version is nice and clear, so I'm doing something special with it. After a taste, my wife commented that these particular kits are like a blank canvas, just waiting to be tweaked. She is quite right.

I'm to the point in my wine making that I can't just make a kit without doing something to it.

Yea, the waiting is the hardest part, but is the best part for the wine! In July, we will have to decide what to make for the next quarterly competition (January). Or rather, we will have to decide how we will decide what to make. :?
hows everyone's clearing? mine isnt going as quickly as I would have expected it to. I may give degassing a shot again tonight
Dend, clearing is going slow on my end too. I gave it some extra pectin a few weeks before degassing and fining. I used the agent that came in the kit but plan on racking at the end May and maybe adding bentonite at that time. I have another coastal white going that is completely "stock" so far and it's also clearing slowly. There's plenty of time left, I'm not planning on bottling until the first week of september. I didn't seem to have much in the way of gas in this batch to begin with.
yeah I was planning to add some pectic, and some bentonite as well, I would have expected this to clear faster than it is though. You are right though there is plenty of time on these no rush on perfection :D
wow, thats crazy mine didnt even show signs of clearing. i tossed in some pectic enzyme and bentonite to see if that helps it along at all.