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  1. dknowlton

    Question about label and bottle

    I usually post a want ad on Craigslist for empty bottles or watch as well. I have collected nearly 200 bottles that way and haven't spent a dime. I grab them whenever they are available, even if I won't be bottling any time soon.
  2. dknowlton

    I love folks that have stopped making wine..

    you won the lottery my friend
  3. dknowlton

    Members who use BRUTE containers

    thanks. that sounds reasonable
  4. dknowlton

    Members who use BRUTE containers

    about how much do they run?
  5. dknowlton

    Members who use BRUTE containers

    I am going to check them out next time I'm near lowe's. I need something bigger than the brew buckets I'm using now. I would prefer the white myself
  6. dknowlton

    Members who use BRUTE containers

    oh ok. never knew they were called brute. thanks
  7. dknowlton

    Members who use BRUTE containers

    not to sound completely ignorant...but what's a BRUTE container?
  8. dknowlton

    I need a good online supplier

    thanks for all the great suggestions. I just placed a big order with fine vine wines. they seemed to have the best selection and prices. I also like the 10% off they gave me for being a new customer and the $5.00 coupon they give for your birthday. seem like a great supplier
  9. dknowlton

    sweet corn wine

    lol...I understand but thought it might be an interesting experiment to try. but I'm only gonna go with a 1 gallon batch so I don't tie up a big carboy
  10. dknowlton

    sweet corn wine

    yeah, shine is a distilled corn whiskey but that's grain corn as opposed to sweet corn. the fermentation process is the same but you run it through a still to get the high octane stuff. I'm just thinking that sweet corn might make an interesting wine. the sweetness and flavor of good sweet corn...
  11. dknowlton

    sweet corn wine

    has anyone here ever tried making sweet corn wine? if so, how did it turn out?
  12. dknowlton

    I need a good online supplier

    I'll look them up and check them out. thank you
  13. dknowlton

    I need a good online supplier

    I'm in the beautiful finger lakes wine country in upstate ny. trumansburg ny to be specific. surrounded by vineyards and wineries...great place to live except the supply shop closed up. lol
  14. dknowlton

    wine that wont stop fermenting

    no. I sure didn't. I usually don't, just let it degass over time in the carboy and that typically works just fine. I've just never noticed it bubbling like this before but I don't sit and watch it all the either…lol
  15. dknowlton

    wine that wont stop fermenting

    hello all. I have a batch of homemade grape juice wine that fermented to dry beautifully and I added potassium sorbate to stop it fermenting but it won't stop. it's still bubbling albeit very little. I don't have any k meta but do have campden tablets. will that work instead? appreciate the...
  16. dknowlton

    I need a good online supplier

    thanks to all for all the info. all great suggestions...
  17. dknowlton

    I need a good online supplier

    My local wine supply shop closed up and I'm wondering if anyone can give me advice on a good online supplier. Shipping costs are ridiculous on every site I have checked out so far. I did find some pretty good deals on ebay with free shipping but want to find a supplier I can use regularly...
  18. dknowlton

    demijohn not full with juice what to do???

    this is a great thread. learned a ton in just a few posts...thanks y'all
  19. dknowlton

    ready to bottle but have a few concerns

    thanks for the great tips. this forum and all of you are the best resource for home winemakers, and as a beginner, it's priceless! I love it here. we should all get together once a year to swap stories and glassfulls...
  20. dknowlton

    ready to bottle but have a few concerns

    I have 2 batches that are coming to the end of secondary and I want to be sure fermentation is done before I bottle. I know the possibility of blowing corks is very real, so how do I tell if it's safe to bottle? this is my first time bottling and after tasting the wine using a thief, I don't...