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I would like to help on the rack job on that one!
I opened one of my experimental Maple Pilsners from 4 months ago the
other day, great taste and a fantastic head!! I'd like to get a head
like that on all my beer!!

Racked the #2 Blueberry onto the oak today, what a mess trying to save all the wine from the sludge!!

20060924_114607_blueberry2_rack.jpg your labels...very European

To get the ü onto your label...hold down the alt key and punch in 129 on the keypad....

alt 129 = ü

control + u
control + shift + u

[these don't seem to work on this Site...¿]

Edited by: Northern Winos
Salsa time, this is the first time I have made salsa, but everyone
wants some so I have made around 5 cases so far, the Kitchen Aide food
processor I bought on EBay has been a big help chopping the items up.

Four gallons after straining off lots of juice to make it nice and thick gets you 16 pints of finished product.

Your Salsa looks great...I too hope you saved the juice....would be good in beer...

I add some commercial tomato paste to my Salsa that I process in mason sure helps thicken it up....
Can see you love to can produce, yours always looks so is fun and very rewarding....
I feel bad now cause I dumped the juice down the drain, but I have no
time for some things, I'm going to work in 1/2 hour and working for 24
strait hours. I make a special salsa for my daughter who has 3
children, two of them have autism and they are all on a special diet
and can have no processed foods, so my salsa is all fresh items, with
no additives, thats why I can't use tomatoe paste to thicken it.
Hope you had a good day [24hr] shift....that's brutal...
Do you grow Italian Roma tomatoes????They really thicken Salsa up too....
Sometimes I add chopped Roma's at the end for a chunky Salsa....
Also, when coring regular tomatoes squeeze them into the sink and get rid of much of the juice and seeds......
Envy your Kitchen Aid.....1st Class there
...I get my tricks from garage get second best..
I don't grow anything, I buy or have it given to me, the Kitchenaide
foodprocessor was the deal of the century!! It was almost unused and
came with the 5 blade kit which normaly sells for $100 and thats all I
paid for the whole setup!!
Today I bottled the White Niagara Welches, used a package of Super
Smoother in it, and bottled 3 gallons dry and added 1/2 bottle wine
conditioner (250ml) to the other 3 gallons, I must say I like the
sweetened version, I also used champagne bottles to save money, no
corks, just some 3 cent beer caps!!!

I also fined my #1 Bluberry, it has only been on the oak cubes for 1
month, but I needed the carboy, I sweetened it with a full bottle of
wine conditioner (500ml) and used Super Kleer on it, racked to a 5
gallon carboy with 1 750ml bottle extra. I tasted it and thought it was
very good.

Yes it's an autosiphon, there are two items that are must have for a new winemaker, autosiphon and a bag decaper!!!!
Don't rush the blueberry to bottle, or at least add some sorbate before bottling. Last year I bottled after 4 months. A few months later started to notice a few bubbles in it. A while later I heard a pop- fizz, ran in in time to see Mt Vesuvius erupting all over the floor. It was a full size bottle, so it made a full size mess
. I refrigerated the rest of the bottles to stop any further activity. It wasn't as good as when I first bottled it. The extra fermentation stripped some of the flavors, but it was still very good.

Yours looks awesome