Bay Wine Brokers

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Aug 26, 2024
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Southern California

I am looking to source some graoes for my next batch and was wondering if anyone has irdered from Bay Wine brokers. If so, How was tour experience? Was shipping reasonable?

I'm also close to the Temecula Valley wine area. Has anyone found any vineyards there that will sell to home wine makers? I'm looking for around 230lbs of grapes. Thanks for your help!
Craigslist can be a good place to find vineyards that have extra grapes to sell or regularly sell to home winemakers. I don't have experience with Bay Wine Brokers but I imagine they are the same grapes that go in the frozen buckets at, so if you've ever bought from them (I also haven't), that would give some indication of the grape quality.
Most winegrowing counties/regions have a winegrowers' association and it looks like this is the listing of growers in Temecula valley. The web page has a link to a list of grapes for sale, but it's from 2023; no idea if it's still maintained.

You might consider looking through the listings (that 2023 list might be a good place to start) and email some of the growers who have grapes you might be interested in. Ask if they are open to selling to home winemakers and how much you want; the worst they can do is say no. I've found such folk to generally be helpful, they might even have a recommendation if they themselves aren't open to selling small amounts. You may be more likely to have success with a small operation (<10T) than one of the big producers. They might also be more open to selling towards the end of the season if they don't have enough contracts to fill their production. Good luck!
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For what it is worth, I’m seeing more than the normal quantity of grape for sale ads in Paso Robles. Also check

Click through on the listings and you can see who will sell small quantities. Also check you local wine making equipment store - they usually have bulletin board with grapes for sale flyers

Lastly here is the independent grape growers of Paso Robles marketplace.
I have seen some of the Paso Listings. Its a bit far to drive from the Inland empire though. Hoping to see some of those soon from the Temecula Valley area. What Inhave been hearing is there is a bumper crop this year and the fruit looks great.

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