Cdrew and Val, I am looking forward to trying the oven trick: soaking and scraping is for the birds! I remove the glue/gum residue easily with "GOO GONE."..................DizzyRather than revive an old thread, I just wanted to say thank you to @CDrew for the best label removing hack I've find to date. I had some bottles given to me but the labels were impossible to get off so I was ready to throw them out. Your method is working like a charm!!!View attachment 63330
Not many wineries where I live (Alberta), but I have enough bottles from friends and family now that I can finally recycle the ones with tough labels.I don't live near a wine making supply store but I have bought from wineries. With friends neighbors, and family saving bottles I rarely need bottles.
Since it's 105 outside today, I'm going to set some out in the sun. Might be hot enough for an easy peel ??
Worth a try... Couldn't hurt... Much less mess and time spent if it works... I used to leave floppy disks on top of my CRT monitor. The little bit of extra warmth made a huge difference in how easily those labels peeled off. How old am I, right??? LOL No, they were NOT 5 1/4" disks... although I did have lots of those too, just never needed to remove their labels. Hahaha. And how many of you have seen an 8" floppy disk? I used a few of those too!!105F is hardly even hot water, I doubt it will do much.
Worth a try... Couldn't hurt... Much less mess and time spent if it works... I used to leave floppy disks on top of my CRT monitor. The little bit of extra warmth made a huge difference in how easily those labels peeled off. How old am I, right??? LOL No, they were NOT 5 1/4" disks... although I did have lots of those too, just never needed to remove their labels. Hahaha. And how many of you have seen an 8" floppy disk? I used a few of those too!!