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I went to my friends, Cheri's house to pick cukes today, stopped at a roadside stand and bought 24 quarts of blueberries and put them in the freezer, I've been working 7 days a week, but even if I wasn't I don't like cleaning them
Frank&Rita said:
I went to my friends, Cheri's house to pick cukes today, stopped at a roadside stand and bought 24 quarts of blueberries and put them in the freezer, I've been working 7 days a week, but even if I wasn't I don't like cleaning them

Frank & Rita.....when I was out in the the woods playing Wood Nymph the other two days picking these tiny little gems I thought...."I bet Frank & Rita have mega berries out there in Maine"...I smiled and thought about you two....Have heard they grow HUGE out there.....I bet you paid dearly for those berries.....

But we paid too.....We filled the diesel truck when we came back from the two days of picking and exploring [lots of exploring].....It took $93...Jim was trying to put $100 in the tank but it wouldn't fit... our experience was worth every penny.

Also heard that the UP=Upper Peninsula of Michigan has has HUGE berries....Hummmm...Road trip????
we down here in south jersey have wonderful blueberries good size at 1.50 quart to 1.75,or you can pick them on certain farms.
NW, those pictures are wonderful!!!!!
Good luck on the chemo day. May you feel good as life itself. :)
joeswine said:
we down here in south jersey have wonderful blueberries good size at 1.50 quart to 1.75,or you can pick them on certain farms.

That is so cheap...I heard of people selling them up north along the road for $8 for a little basket.....
How much gas to drive to Jersey???
Our anniversary I really splurged....used 4 cups of those precious Blueberries and made us a Blueberry Pie....


It is so good......

Went to the city today to do a little shopping and have lunch...Looked at Blueberries and Raspberries at Sam's Club and another big store....Boy...they sure are expensive in the stores....I better lock my freezer.
Well let me extend you and Jim a Happy Anniversary!. Here is to 30 more great years! That pie has me a slobberin as Waldo would say. No better use for some of those precious gems. Hope you two can raise a toast together and have a nice evening.

P.S.- Have some of those good drugs the doc gave you and then if you guys get too wild tonight you can't remember
Edited by: appleman's been 35 years together...18 married....That was one long engagement.

Ramona...Thank You!!! The pie was so good that I want to head back to the Promised Land and get more berries.

Life is Good!!!!
Jim worked at it for 17 years before he got a yes!

Congrats to you both, hope you have alot more fine years together!, and a lot more of that pie!
He wanted to propose to you earlier but every time he went to ask you had disappeared into the wine garden!
Congrats you 2!

Edited by: wade
Northern Winos said:
it's been 35 years together...18 married....That was one long engagement.

Life is Good!!!!

When you can enjoy life as much as you two do, who keeps track of a few years anyways................

Congratulations on a happy 35 years, and I wish you many more happy years to come.

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