Calling all labelmakers!!!!!

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It probably wouldn't be very fair for me to enter my last dozen or so labels would it..........

Although they would be winners for sure!
LOL I hadn't even thought of those! I have 2 I'm close to having tweaked for the 2000th time that I will enter.
So you have to print them on label paper or can you submit them on plain paper and can you put more than one label on a sheet?
For those who didn't see last year's winners- Ramona here from the forum won the Bronze Medal Last year with the following label.

Joan won a prize for the following last year

And this one the year before

<CENTER>We have some very talented members here.</CENTER>
This one came about as I was trying to think of a funny/different label. I decided I wanted to read all of Sue Grafton's Kinsey Milhone Mysteries this summer and was in the middle of one when I came up with this idea. They are also known at the "Alphabet Mysteries". They're fun reads and the heroine is in every book and managed to squeeze them all in. The author is writing "U" right now and I thought I could help her come up with a title for "W".

Waldo, I always print on copy paper, 4 to a page, spray it with shellac, then let them dry I have a small paper cutter but I prefer to cut them out by hand. I liked paper dolls when I was a kid.

Edited to add:

I don't know what other people submit. I submit mine cut out...they want a real label. I will cut each of them out and submit them at the same time. You can only win one prize tho.

Edited by: Joan
The second one is really novel. I love it. That must be a real label on that bottle. Did you tip out some wine on the counter and take a picture, or is that Photo shopped? She needs to write the book now for just that label!
Yes, it's a real label and I set the bottle on the kitchen counter and took a photo of it. THEN I Photoshopped it to extract it from its background!
What the heck, ill send in what Ive got since i always print ou a few extra just in case and now I have something to do with them. Thanks for bingin this up Joan.
Does anyone know if you can send a bunch in 1 envelope or do you have to send each separately?

Edited by: wade
Joan said:
Waldo, I always print on copy paper, 4 to a page, spray it with shellac, then let them dry I have a small paper cutter but I prefer to cut them out by hand. I liked paper dolls when I was a kid.

Edited to add:

I don't know what other people submit. I submit mine cut out...they want a real label. I will cut each of them out and submit them at the same time. You can only win one prize tho.

Thanks joan
I did send in a few labels for the WineMaker Label contest. Joan asked me to post the ones I sent no particular order. Along with the over 4000, we will see what happens. Everyone else, Waldo, Wade, all who have posted great labels....send them in!!!!!




Some winners there for sure....

Love the Barona sunglasses one....very intriguing as Ramona herself.

As well, the Italian girl is lovely.

Edited by: Northern Winos
My favorites too. I haven't used the sunglass lady but thought that it looked like a sexy bottle of wine.

I sent mine out Monday morning, we'll see what happens but not expecting much being up against you and Joan! I think if anything strikes there fancy it will be the Watermelon White Merlot label.

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