Crushing Niagara, or use a juicer? Help please

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Paul Gardner

Apr 9, 2019
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I'm going to be making my first wine from my own Niagara grapes this year. I've read that with Niagara, you can leave the juice and the skin together to get a nicer flavor. Can someone confirm that? I have a Breville centrifugal juicer which I used last year to juice my grapes then froze the juice for use this year because I didn't have enough for wine. Should I just crush this year's harvest in a kettle then add last year's juice, or should I run the grapes through the juicer again this year? I sure would like to chat with someone that currently makes Niagara wine if you'd allow me to. Thank you.
If the grapes have seeds I don't think I'd run them through a juicer that has blades - In normal grape crushing the seeds remain pretty much intact that juicer will slice them apart and you may end up with a bitter flavor.

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