Is there a Boo to spring? Yup!!

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Just me
Oct 24, 2012
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I ,like most, am glad to say good bye to old man winter but.. with spring here and the warmer temps, I was swatting at my 1st few fruitflies that appeared while I was doing some rackings. To that..BOOOO! I know they will now hover til late fall.
Kim get one of those sticky fly strips and hang it about 3 or 4 feet away from your primary at the same level as your bucket. I did that last summer and the only problem I had with the fruit flies was keeping a clean strip hanging cuz for the first few days I had to hang a new one everyday!:gb
I remember hearing that those fly "sticky traps" are not something that you want near a food product.

Try this ..

1) Wipe down and clean every surface in your winemaking area. The trick here is to have everything clean, clean, clean. You should not be able to smell even a hint of wine.

2) take a 2 liter soda bottle, cut the top 1/3 off to end up with a funnel shaped piece and a cup shaped piece.

3) pour some wine and a drop of dishwashing soap into the bottom portion (cup shaped piece) of the soda bottle.

4) Invert the funnel shaped piece (narrow end down) and insert into the bottom (cup shaped piece).

you end up with a fly trap, flies go in, but have a hard time getting out. they are attracted to the wine in the trap (the only food source since you cleaned every surface in your winery) and drown.

works like a charm!
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JohnT they are non toxic and pesticide free and placed 3 or 4 feet away from primary. I like fermenting with a cloth, with the lid only half covering the primary so as not to get to hot. Please post your findings because I could not find anything, but I'll try your method but doubt if it will attract anything over the must smell
I use the fan when I'm working with the wines. It's just the way they're always lurking waiting for the air to stop.
I find everything above works with some success. A good fan certainly helps. Some years though get crazy and the very best thing I found that works is the shop vac. Attack them with a vengence around all of your wine, you'll wipe out 90% of the flock in no time getting things back in control
Well Dan,I guess my aim sucks (no pun intended ;) ) I try with the vac but I'm lucky to get one of them buggers!
I wonder if a "funnel attachment" would work (stick a funnel on the end of the vacuum hose). It seems to me that it would not take much to vacuum a fruit fly and a funnel would increase the suction area.
I wonder if a "funnel attachment" would work (stick a funnel on the end of the vacuum hose). It seems to me that it would not take much to vacuum a fruit fly and a funnel would increase the suction area.

awesome idea! gotta try it
I wonder if a "funnel attachment" would work (stick a funnel on the end of the vacuum hose). It seems to me that it would not take much to vacuum a fruit fly and a funnel would increase the suction area.

Don't be so sure! Check out this article: Flies can manoeuvre like fighter jets

Did you guys suck them up in your vacuums and release them in my place when I had my back turned??? They have INVADED!
I have heard that fruit flies like to live in sink drains, so when I first notice them in my wine room I keep the drain plug in place. I also use the bottle traps mentioned earlier.
no fruit flies as of yet hopefully get danger Dave batch into secondary before they show. Keeping the floor and surrounding clean which is a challenge for me.. Have ya ever heard some of the best artist are the messiest? :) My art teacher once told me that because of me always blending the paint on the canvas with my fingers! Anyhow seen a big bumble bee and a wasp searching for a nesting place around the back porch today I quickly got the wasp spray out! Hopefully this deters them!