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Oct 25, 2009
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We picked up a kit Vino Italiano 4 Week Wine Kit, Moscato, 15.4-Pound Box from Amazon as we LOVE moscato and obtained all the equipment yesterday. Well last night we started our kit.

I have a couple questions.

First - How long does it take for this kit ( if anyone has experience which I am sure someone does LOL ) to start the airlock or otherwise convert the sugar into Alc... As of last night the airlock was not moving... this morning it was popping about once every minute or minute and 1/2 ... is this normal ?
Welcome to the forum!
First - How long does it take for this kit ( if anyone has experience which I am sure someone does LOL ) to start the airlock or otherwise convert the sugar into Alc... As of last night the airlock was not moving... this morning it was popping about once every minute or minute and 1/2 ... is this normal ?
To answer your question, it usually takes 24-48 hours to start to see CO2 bubbles. Sounds like you're off to a good start. It should continue to increase until it's bubbling constantly. Just follow kit directions explicitly and feel free to post amy questions you have.

Good luck!

Wanted to let everyone know first and foremost thank you for the quick response... I think I found the right place !!

2nd as of current time 1540 hrs it is not active every 5-10 seconds.. so she is moving right along.
Welcome aboard, looks like it is getting ready to take off for you. It is hard to give a specific answer for your questions. Different factors such as temperature, yeast used, the acidity and pH of the juice just to name a few all play into the equation.
Wanted to let everyone know first and foremost thank you for the quick response... I think I found the right place !!

2nd as of current time 1540 hrs it is not active every 5-10 seconds.. so she is moving right along.

I figured that temp would have a lot to do with it... as most things.. I know I dont want to move when its cold out not to mention that the high for tomorrow is going to be 40 ... lower 40's

One more thing and maybe I am off base.. can you suggest or anyone for that matter a wine that is as good ( Sweet ) as Moscato or Malvasia.. I cannot find a kit for Malvasia ...... so the wife and I are trying to figure out what wine is about the same..... give or take..
Welcome here ferratus, Im betting that if the temp is around low to mid 70's that this kit is really starting to ferment pretty good by now.
Welcome here ferratus, Im betting that if the temp is around low to mid 70's that this kit is really starting to ferment pretty good by now.

Yes the fireplace is active... ( Scary thought for october !! ) .... house temp right now is around 70 - 75 range.... I think when I rack this puppy I will put it in the HT room where it is dark and cooler... am I on the right track ?

BTW, Looks like a Glock in your adv...... not to hijack my own thread but I am also an certified glock armorer....

Thanks again for the warm welcome.
Keep it at the temp you are at until you have it all fermented and cleared and degassed.
Hello and welcome to the forum,

kits are a great introduction to winemaking.

Thanks again for the warm welcome folks.. I appreciate it..

Another question.. Like I previously mentioned this is a desert wine.. What is the best way to sweeten it .. if it does not provide the amount of taste I am looking for ?
You could just make a simple syrup by boiling water ad adding twice as much sugar to the water. In other words 2 cups of sugar to 1 cup of boiling water. You could buy a commercial version of this called wine stabilizer sold buy almost every brew and wine shop around and almost every retailer makes it. You could use a concentrated Welche's grape juice but be careful not to use too much or you might change the flavor profile or you acan do a mixture.
I have heard of, and personally seen fermentation take 2-3 days to get going, the "sweat factor", but as mentioned alot of things can affect this. On the other side of the coin, I once seen a fermentation, literally begin to boil in like 4 hours. Anymore I dont get too scared until I see nothing happening for like 72 hours.
Another question.. Like I previously mentioned this is a desert wine.. What is the best way to sweeten it .. if it does not provide the amount of taste I am looking for ?

I don't think that this kit is designed to make a dessert wine. Depending on the sweetness that you desire, you make have to sweeten a LOT.

I don't think that this kit is designed to make a dessert wine. Depending on the sweetness that you desire, you make have to sweeten a LOT.


Well we have tried two different types of Moscato... Both were very sweet and very excellent... SO I HOPED ( Notice past notification ) ... that it would have been sweet... however, when we racked her out after primary fermintation I couldnt but help dip a finger in the nasty and taste it...

Believe me you it wasnt sweet... started out sweet but the fermination took care of that... but seeing that this is a white wine ...... I am hoping or trying to figure out how to bring it back up...
Also - Degassing... I am on the second day.. we stirred for over 2 hrs last night off and on and she STILL is not degassed...strange ? Going on day 3 ...

Instead of stirring round-and-round, try moving the spoon back-and-forth or side-to-side. It seems to work better for me.

I too tried the round and round, got me dizzy as hell, still wobbling around hoping it was my de gassing technique! LOL
Along with the instructions here is what we have been looking at

OK I started to watch that video, and have a headache already. I really like the fact that he is using a Fermtech Wine Thief, and demo'ing the hydrometer. But he didn't sanitize either piece of equipment, and that jerkjing technique is unnecessary because he is using a 5 or USG carboy. Just push the sanitized Thief/hydrometer into the carboy and pull it out with a full sample. The jerking technique is necessary with smaller vessels like a 3 USG carboy or a gallon jug.

that jerkjing technique is unnecessary

maybe he just likes to practice? he seems very focused :)

i don't agree with degassing so much. i have never done that much of it and only once or twice have we had any carbonation tasting wine. i'm not even sure the very few times it was the lack of degassing, as it could have been fermentation restarted after resweetening. we stir if for maybe a few minutes, not 10. seems like you are more likely to introduce oxygen in after that much stirring.

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