Label Challenge- Attention Joan and rgecaprock

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Nov 12, 2005
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We all aspire to make a great label for our wines and we have two great label makers in our midst- Joan and rgecaprock(AKA Ramona). I would like to challenge those two great label makers to show their stuff and develop a label for a pretty much unknown wine. The purpose of it is to show the thought process and development cycle of a label. I challenge them to share with us their secrets for what they look for in a good label, what software they use and any other pointers they might give us all in developing a great label. They should know, they have both won awards for their one of a kind creations. Others have asked for tutorials. Now is the time to step up to the plate and help us all out. So what do you gals say- are you in??????

If you agree I will post the variety and give you a few words about it for inspiration. I realize it is a busy holiday season, but you two can help us all out and share in the holiday spirit. No great prizes, no true fame, just good 'ole holiday spirit of sharing with others.
can things get any more hetic this time of year, and you want the gals to do what? LMAO
Yep, she's visiting family...something she was really looking forward to. I hope you're having a fantabulous time, Ramona!!!

Appleman, I'm in!
You go girl, you will need to do a ste by step with pictures and telling us what tool you used and what you have that tool's features set at. Better yet, why dont you do it at my house on my computer while I watch you as youre explaining!
We have time if Ramona isn't back yet- she will be back sooner or later. There are no losers in this competition-only winners. We want everyone in on the pros secrets for label creation. We have Joan on board- how about you Ramona?
Appleman, this sounds fun. And it also is a great step by step process for others to learn about the basics of label creating.
Hi All,

I'm back from vacation which was a very special one!!! I would love to let you know my label secrets and would love to show you the actual technical points of what I do but not sure how to show you that. But give me a little time to re-group and get some Christmas things out of the way since I am a week behind now......and I will at least try to explain my thought processes. Joan may be better able to show a technical side than I am. She works with some pretty nice software. I hope you all get some great label software for Christmas and between the both of us we can walk you through some of it...................I'll get back to this soon....Ramona Edited by: rgecaprock
Alright then, it sounds like we have these two onboard. Anyone else who is out there that wants to share tips/secrets, feel free to join in. I just got back from the densist after a week of pain and can't think straight right now, so I will post a starting point for the label either tonight or tomarrow.
The label challenge and tutorial event is about to begin. Joan and Rgecaprock-Ramona have agreed to create a label and share the procedure with all you folks that want to learn their thoughts on the process. They will share ideas, software/ label sizes, etc as they go. I am presenting a description of the variety which I have chosen here and they will post in separate threads so they don't confuse anyone. I am creating separate posts named the same with their name appended to it. Follow along and have fun. Anyone else that wishes may post their rendition of the label here and if they would like coul create their own post on how they do it.

So without further ado here it is.

My choice for varietal is St. Pepin grape. I purposely chose this one so no one would have preconceived notions of what the label should depict.Here is a basic description of the variety and what can be expected from that wine. Just assume ABV of 13%.

Some of the following is from the Appelation America website
<H1>Varietal Character</H1>


</A> St. Pepin
You are all part of a band of native and French-American crosses that could easily be called the ‘Polar Bear Gang’. A lot of you are from Minnesota, and you’ve been bred to be tough and hardy. Many of your parents were imprisoned in labs for so long that they go by their identification numbers, rather than their names. Frontenac, otherwise known as the ‘heavy producer’, is the latest to join your gang. People of the northern states are glad that you now control the flow of wine. In the frigid northern winters, weak-limbed vines all too often never deliver.<BR clear=all>
<DIV ="h1-left2">
<H1>Appellations Growing St. Pepin Grapes</H1>

Appellations producing the most St. Pepin wines:
<UL style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 5px">
<TABLE id=appellationList style="WIDTH: 540px; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 ="smText"><T>
<TD style="WIDTH: 50%">
<LI style="COLOR: #808080">Minnesota (State Appellation) </LI></TD>
<TD style="WIDTH: 50%">
<LI style="COLOR: #808080">Hudson River Region (AVA) </LI></TD></TR>
<TD style="WIDTH: 50%">
<LI style="COLOR: #808080">Quebec (Provincial Appellation) </LI></TD>
<TD style="WIDTH: 50%">
<LI style="COLOR: #808080">Illinois (State Appellation) </LI></TD></TR>
<TD style="WIDTH: 50%">
<LI style="COLOR: #808080">West Virginia (State Appellation) </LI></TD>
<TD style="WIDTH: 50%">
<LI style="COLOR: #808080">Lake Wisconsin (AVA) </LI></TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>[/list]

<DIV ="h1-left2">
<H1>St. Pepin Grape Details</H1>

St. Pepin is a sister seedling of LaCrosse, which was also developed by Elmer Swenson. However, the similarly cold-hardy St. Pepin is a fruitier and earlier-ripening grape, which makes one of the best white wines in Minnesota. It is also used for juice. The grape is being grown experimentally in South Dakota and in other cold winter states.

Excellent wines have been made from St. Pepin as a varietal and also blended with LaCrosse. When well ripened, fruit quality is similar to Reisling. Selected by Elmer Swenson.
Crisp flavors from adequate acids with a hint of apricot, pineapple, apple, and pear aromas, off-dry with a medium body; similar to Sauvignon Blanc.

Let's use an appropriate fictitious winery for this variety.
Polar Epress Winery

So now the challenge is for you to develop a nice label anyone would be proud to display.

Let the fun begin. Your post names to post in are:
Label Tutorial Challenge-Joan
Label Tutorial Challenge-Ramona

Edited by: appleman
Appleman, I apoligise for my stupid, dumb out of line post. Some times I let my mouth overload my donky. You have a great idea. I guess with my wife feeling poorly, and the Rat Dog pooping in the corner, my daughter getting in a wreck, I was having a bad hair day. Every thing is fine now and back to normal, if there is a normal around this house. Thanks Tomy
Well the gals have posted their labels under the Tutorial Challenges and explained how they did it.

Why don't some of you others that want to try labels give it a try. Use what software you have or get something for Christmas and make your own. You can try using the same starting point as Ramona and Joan used and see what you can come up with, even try to duplicate theirs if you want. If you get stumped along the way, ask questions and we will see if you can get help along the way.

When you get it finished, post it here and listen to the cheers!
The ladies both did a fantastic job . I
Just had to give this a try appleman. Here is what I came up with.


Edited by: Waldo
appleman said:
Wow Waldo, Great Job. It's snowing so hard on the label that nothing shows. That really depicts snowy and cold!

I see a very nice label indeed...Perhaps it's snowing so hard at Appleman's house he can't see his computer....
Yeah guys I see it too now, the snow has let up. Either that or it is where Waldo edited his post 10 minutes later and put the picture in after giving you guys a chance to make fun of me!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. It's a great job Waldo. If you would like to share how you did it with or without screen shots, go ahead!Edited by: appleman

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