Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

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Don't care. I rather live in America than anywhere else. Our level of pollution is less than almost any other industrial nation and we have a better lifestyle than most. As stated China, India and Russia destroy the world more than all the other countries combined. But now we are discussing politics on a non-political forum.
but sadly @winemaker81 said we gotta drop the subject,
The topic isn't a bad in itself, but it verges into political, and that territory is where folks stop interacting nicely.

This job (moderator) doesn't pay enough (or at all) for me to deal with folks arguing. So the moderators shut down this type of thing simply because we don't want to deal with the fallout. If I was being paid $100/hour, believe me, I'd be making popcorn and encouraging y'all to bash each other. ;)

Since that's not happening, let's get back to tossing memes around ...
Just a fun local meme, everyone seems to love the new fleet of electrical trains as they accelerate so much faster, making the commute time quicker up and down the SF peninsula from San Jose and Silicon Valley to San Francisco. Yes, the electricity still needs to come from somewhere.