Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

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Don't care. I rather live in America than anywhere else. Our level of pollution is less than almost any other industrial nation and we have a better lifestyle than most. As stated China, India and Russia destroy the world more than all the other countries combined. But now we are discussing politics on a non-political forum.
but sadly @winemaker81 said we gotta drop the subject,
The topic isn't a bad in itself, but it verges into political, and that territory is where folks stop interacting nicely.

This job (moderator) doesn't pay enough (or at all) for me to deal with folks arguing. So the moderators shut down this type of thing simply because we don't want to deal with the fallout. If I was being paid $100/hour, believe me, I'd be making popcorn and encouraging y'all to bash each other. ;)

Since that's not happening, let's get back to tossing memes around ...
The topic isn't a bad in itself, but it verges into political, and that territory is where folks stop interacting nicely.

This job (moderator) doesn't pay enough (or at all) for me to deal with folks arguing. So the moderators shut down this type of thing simply because we don't want to deal with the fallout. If I was being paid $100/hour, believe me, I'd be making popcorn and encouraging y'all to bash each other. ;)

Since that's not happening, let's get back to tossing memes around ...
hey i wasn't being snide , just trying to lighten the moment,
hey i wasn't being snide , just trying to lighten the moment,
Richard -- I know. I have no problem with your post. You got lucky in that I replied to yours. ;)

Honestly, I cut this off as I could see where it was leading. There's no upside to internet arguments.

Given that asking a question of 10 winemakers produces at least 11 opinions, we do an amazing job of being civil when discussing winemaking.

I've been a member of 2 tech forums for over 20 years ... and have NEVER posted on either. Great places to find answers, but the regulars are all jackasses. We ain't like that.
but sadly @winemaker81 said we gotta drop the subject,

But discussing our inherently unsustainable extractive global economy is not a political topic, IMO. And that's what I am talking about, not the comparative merits of different political systems or the finger-pointing and what-aboutism that goes with nationalism.

I'm talking about the generally accepted global practice of ripping raw materials from the Earth and polluting it for profit in order to sell greater and greater numbers of goods to greater and greater numbers of "consumers."

That's what I mean when I say I am genuinely happy that I am living at the peak. It ain't gonna get any better from here, IMO.
But discussing our inherently unsustainable extractive global economy is not a political topic, IMO. And that's what I am talking about, not the comparative merits of different political systems or the finger-pointing and what-aboutism that goes with nationalism.

I'm talking about the generally accepted global practice of ripping raw materials from the Earth and polluting it for profit in order to sell greater and greater numbers of goods to greater and greater numbers of "consumers."

That's what I mean when I say I am genuinely happy that I am living at the peak. It ain't gonna get any better from here, IMO.
Not that this crap isn't entertaining, but the memes are funnier! Bring back the giant rabbits!!!;)