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Well, after much delay (we bought it April 5th), the countertop was finally ready to be reinstalled today.


The sink cutout looks much better. Before...




It would have even looked BETTER if he had drilled the faucet hole on center! (The pencil mark is mine.)


Ah well, what can ya expect for a mere $6,000, huh??? And a new door for the door the original installation team gouged has arrived. Anyway, finally gonna get to move forward on this job again...

Well, after much delay (we bought it April 5th), the countertop was finally ready to be reinstalled today.

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The sink cutout looks much better. Before...

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It would have even looked BETTER if he had drilled the faucet hole on center! (The pencil mark is mine.)

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Ah well, what can ya expect for a mere $6,000, huh??? And a new door for the door the original installation team gouged has arrived. Anyway, finally gonna get to move forward on this job again...

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It will bug you forever. I know!
I think I'll have to live with it. I want to move forward. I am going to make sure I can't shift it rightward in the hole. Other than that, after 4-1/2 months without a sink, it prolly is what it is.
So, OK today I learned the guy drilled off center on purpose because he felt hat otherwise the valves would have projected into the sink basin on the right. But it wouldn't have. He just unilaterally decided to do that, without asking me first. But really, I am so sick and tired of all the problems with this company that I am just gonna leave it and move on. This is minor compared to the other stuff they had to fix. I'm just worn out with it all. Hooking it up tomorrow.

So, OK today I learned the guy drilled off center on purpose because he felt hat otherwise the valves would have projected into the sink basin on the right. But it wouldn't have. He just unilaterally decided to do that, without asking me first. But really, I am so sick and tired of all the problems with this company that I am just gonna leave it and move on. This is minor compared to the other stuff they had to fix. I'm just worn out with it all. Hooking it up tomorrow.

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Ten years from now, you will look back on all this a shudder.
@jswordy I think it's really coming out as a beautiful kitchen. Let's face it we want it perfect but unless you point some of the relatively minor misses few people will ever notice - aside from you of course. All in all nice job!
Thank you, Mike. We are in month #4 and probably have one or two to go yet.
Thank you, Mike. We are in month #4 and probably have one or two to go yet.
I think it is a beautiful job and it will look great when complete. It is rough going through the experience but in time you will be as proud as can be with the kitchen. I speak from experience. I am the guy who follows the contractors' every move to be sure it is done to spec. My wife calls me "Mr. Monk."
So, OK today I learned the guy drilled off center on purpose because he felt hat otherwise the valves would have projected into the sink basin on the right. But it wouldn't have. He just unilaterally decided to do that, without asking me first. But really, I am so sick and tired of all the problems with this company that I am just gonna leave it and move on. This is minor compared to the other stuff they had to fix. I'm just worn out with it all. Hooking it up tomorrow.

View attachment 114693
Did they give you anything for the cabinet they damaged when removing the first top?
I think it is a beautiful job and it will look great when complete. It is rough going through the experience but in time you will be as proud as can be with the kitchen. I speak from experience. I am the guy who follows the contractors' every move to be sure it is done to spec. My wife calls me "Mr. Monk."

@Kraffty knows I am a former auto body man. It is the little stuff that makes the finished product better. But his post provided me some perspective, too. 👍
Did they give you anything for the cabinet they damaged when removing the first top?

LOL, that is a whole 'nother story, Brian! Part of why I am so done with them. So... We ordered on April 5. Recall that the cutout around the sink was not what THREE different people there, at three different times, told me they would do after looking at a PHOTO of what I wanted. Then, as you know, I refused on delivery and they damaged my cabinet door while taking the countertop back out. Didn't say anything, just left me to find it. So, I told the salesgirl that had happened, and that I was gonna order another door that they should buy for me. She asked me to get a quote.

So THEN... get this... Wifie and I go to the showroom to again discuss the sink cutout. We arrive at what I felt was a good compromise, a 1/2 bullnose around the bump and then a 3/8 round around the rest (it really does look remarkably better). I get home and the salesgirl has sent me a $200 up-charge! To do what they told me before they'd do. Obviously it was to cover the door cost, I thought.

So I email back and say why don't we just trade the door charge for the cutting up-charge. She says get her a cost on paper from Home Depot. I made this suggestion to her because my H-D designer was already working to comp me the door as having arrived damaged. End result was that I got the door free and the designer fixed me up a cost estimate of $93... and on receipt of that estimate the counter company agreed to remove the entire $200 up-charge. I feel that confirms my suspicion that it was added just to cover the door cost.

My H-D designer has been so great through all this. The project has had several big bumps in it. I am gonna get her an appreciation plaque and give her a $100 bill when it is all done. She earned it.

BTW, the countertop company works throughout the Southeast and maybe even farther, so for anyone's future reference, it is Natural Stone Countertops. NEVER AGAIN!!! 😄 I would give them a bad Google review, but they curate them and remove the bad ones. Online, they are 4 or 5 stars. Nope.
LOL, that is a whole 'nother story, Brian! Part of why I am so done with them. So... We ordered on April 5. Recall that the cutout around the sink was not what THREE different people there, at three different times, told me they would do after looking at a PHOTO of what I wanted. Then, as you know, I refused on delivery and they damaged my cabinet door while taking the countertop back out. Didn't say anything, just left me to find it. So, I told the salesgirl that had happened, and that I was gonna order another door that they should buy for me. She asked me to get a quote.

So THEN... get this... Wifie and I go to the showroom to again discuss the sink cutout. We arrive at what I felt was a good compromise, a 1/2 bullnose around the bump and then a 3/8 round around the rest (it really does look remarkably better). I get home and the salesgirl has sent me a $200 up-charge! To do what they told me before they'd do. Obviously it was to cover the door cost, I thought.

So I email back and say why don't we just trade the door charge for the cutting up-charge. She says get her a cost on paper from Home Depot. I made this suggestion to her because my H-D designer was already working to comp me the door as having arrived damaged. End result was that I got the door free and the designer fixed me up a cost estimate of $93... and on receipt of that estimate the counter company agreed to remove the entire $200 up-charge. I feel that confirms my suspicion that it was added just to cover the door cost.

My H-D designer has been so great through all this. The project has had several big bumps in it. I am gonna get her an appreciation plaque and give her a $100 bill when it is all done. She earned it.

BTW, the countertop company works throughout the Southeast and maybe even farther, so for anyone's future reference, it is Natural Stone Countertops. NEVER AGAIN!!! 😄 I would give them a bad Google review, but they curate them and remove the bad ones. Online, they are 4 or 5 stars. Nope.
I've put in bad Google as well as Yelp reviews and have never had one vanish.
I put in a really bad one on Amazon about a company that used my money for 3 months said the product was shipped. Finally said they didn't have it. But, they were still selling it.... at alost twice what I bought it for, and didn't get.

No, got a note from Amazon, they wouldn't publish it. Didn't meet some standard. And no, no foul language it in just calling them out as crooked. And yes, foreign company.