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I've put in bad Google as well as Yelp reviews and have never had one vanish.

The business can curate Google reviews. No can do on Yelp. NSC has only 2 bad ones the last time I looked, both the most recent posts. Everything else is 4 or 5.
I put in a really bad one on Amazon about a company that used my money for 3 months said the product was shipped. Finally said they didn't have it. But, they were still selling it.... at alost twice what I bought it for, and didn't get.

No, got a note from Amazon, they wouldn't publish it. Didn't meet some standard. And no, no foul language it in just calling them out as crooked. And yes, foreign company.

LOL, that sounds like reporting a scam company advertising on FB. 5 hp 60 gallon air compressors, $99. Etc. "That content meets our standards." Oh yeah? You must not have any then! 🤣
The first time in 4 months water has run into a sink in this spot. No leaks first time out. And, it is not running out a hole in the pipe under the house anymore, lol. Time for a Rolling Rock.

View attachment 114741

View attachment 114742
Nice job! We have a similar faucet made by Koehler. I like it's versatility. What i don't like about it is that there is ALWAYS a puddle of water under the handle on the granite and along the backsplash from wet hands grabbing the handle.
Nice job! We have a similar faucet made by Koehler. I like it's versatility. What i don't like about it is that there is ALWAYS a puddle of water under the handle on the granite and along the backsplash from wet hands grabbing the handle.

Then don't do that! 😄
Can anyone tell me the difference? View attachment 114747
That was not well written, but all the people mentioned have bodies already under more stress than a 30 year old does, and smoke hikes heart attack risk considerably. A year of aging at 65, for example, is more change than a year of aging at 30. But it should have said something like "People more likely to have immediate health risks..." Even then, studies show that breathing the fine particulate matter in wildfire smoke causes cancers years down the road. (Yep, I wrote about some of that research.)

The house next to mine is being renovated by a flipper. He burnt two huge fires of cull trees and construction debris in the back yard. The fires smoked for over a month. Our gas pack HVAC drug the smoke inside when it ran. I definitely felt it stress my lungs and heart, and had the symptoms listed above, to the point where I asked if there was anyone in the county who could tell him to stop burning. Nope. It's permitted in Tennessee.
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Earlier, I referred to the company Natural Stone Countertops. That company has now been bought by Alabama Stone Works – a place that I have heard good things about. Hopefully, service will improve for others.