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Ok Wade here is the Pet thread and here is my newest addition to the family


Picture 017.jpg
This our Daddy Dog , Thibodeaux {(Tib-O-DoH) , or Tibby for short}, snuggling with my daughter Kylie

and shes playing witht the fabric on her shirt NOT flipping the bird TYVM

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This is Ky snuggling Gumbo when she was just tiny!!! Only about 2 weeks old here

This is Momma Dog, Rainbow, named by Kylie was 4 when we got Rain, this is how an all black dog gets a name of was almost Butterfly, Candy, or Ariel...

ok you asked for it
5 of our 10 dogs we did have half are gone now

Red Gwen's dog (border collie)

Baby our cat/PITA who my dear sweet bottle fed and now he thinks she's mom

Honey one of my old girls babies

Storm my daughters horse (paint/app/quarter horse)he's got spots here and there lol

Thunder Gwen's baby and my big boy he's not cut full stud neither is storm thank god they are extremely well mannered to us

Ziva... The new kitty


We have a very rare breed... called wiener kitties... If you look really close one side of the basket is the tail and the other side is the head :h


Ziva & Abby (We like NCIS so we named our meows after characters from the show)
thats just part of ours we got 6 horses,6 dogs,2 cats(one inside one outside)did have 22 cats before the coyote's moved in, 2 cockatiels and a potbellied pig. Not to many pets but we only got so much room. We did have 10 horses and dogs at one time but deaths have caused our numbers to fall quickly this past 2 years have been the worst for us.
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so true only reason I don't want more. I'm to big a softy and get attached way to easy, losing my old horse and our 2 oldest dogs this year was probly the hardest.
My photo of my cat Pablo with his heart shaped spot must be on my other computer so Ill hunt that down.....but heres my painting I did of him called 'Mousecatcher'
Hes named after Pablo Picasso because of my obvious art career, but surprising enough he actually takes a huge interest in my art and helps me paint....the paw prints can sometimes help an artwork....especially if its one of my pet portraits.
If you want to see my pet paintings theyre on my site here -
Id really like to use some of your pets photos from this thread to do some more portraits, if thats ok by you guys and gals? Ill email you individually to ask ok.

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New England reindeer

This is a couple pics of my lil new england reindeer . Breeze is first pic , and misty is second pic.



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