Sulfiter vs Spray Bottle for Sanitizing Bottles

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Wow... I only use 1 tbs Potassium Metabisulphate per gallon as per instructions.
about 5 min before I put the wine in the bottles. never had a problem.

Okay back on topic... what the heck is a "Sulfiter"?

a sulfiter is a bowl type object with a spring loaded nossle in the center that you place your bottle on and press down, and a stream of sulfite solution, contained in the bowl, is squirted into the usually affixes to the top of your bottle tree....look up vinator and you'll see what it is...
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what the heck is a "Sulfiter"?

lol....thank you, give the description, and you post the pic....nice
Has anyone notice a fluffy sediment in their bottle of stored K-Meta solution? I store mine in a one gallon spring water bottle - have forever. The last couple of times I noticed a clear/whitish sediment on the bottom of the bottle a few days after mixing it up. Shaking it only swirls it around. It doesn't make it disappear. I have no idea what it is. I'm mixing the solution 3 Tbls. K-Meta to a gallon of spring water. Anyone else ever notice this?