Another big day today. Racked all 3 (primitivo, syrah, and petite sirah) into Intellitanks for aging until next fall, when I kind of need to bottle to make room for more wine! Spent most of the day at it between the set-up, the actual racking and the clean up. The clean up meant taking 12 carboys, completely cleaning and getting them ready for next year.
I am really liking the sanitary fittings that come with the Intellitanks. I used the racking system they sell in conjunction with the all in one wine pump to move the wine from carboys into the tanks. I added oak to the tanks with the Stavin wine cubes 2.5oz/5 gallons.
I ended up with a 4 full 15 gallon intellitanks. 2 of the Primitivo, and 1 each of Syrah, and Petite Sirah. I also ended up with a bonus 6 gallon carboy of 50/50 Primitivo/Petite Sirah, and a 6 gallon of Syrah, and a 3 gallon of Petite SIrah. As well as a nearly full 750ml of mixed everything which I am going to drink tonight.
I'm super stoked though. The flavors are great, the color is great, and I think I've beat the problem of wine that is too light with the enzyme treatment. It's going to be tough to wait 2+ years to really go after it but even the new wine I'm drinking now is very good. Already it's miles better than last year.
I'll try and edit with pictures of my "closet winery". The Intellitanks are ideal for this level of production, and the sanitary fittings are a huge bonus. Makes it a clean and neat set up, though it does take longer. But once set, it's quick. But I need a bigger closet. The only nice part is a pretty much permanent temp of 58F.
I also feel I stressed the All In One to the max today, racking 70 gallons of wine in quick succession. It did the job though, so I'm holding off on buying a bigger vacuum pump.